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Mina May Marzipan
March 16, 2021
497 views 10 plays
I know I made two already but I wanted to make one more that no one probably knows the answers to.
Mina is a....?
How old is Mina?
Mina is currently in a relationship with
What is Mina's natural mane colour?
Mina's race is a mix between which 2 types of ponies?
How many siblings does Mina have?
If she has any, how many of Mina's siblings are half vampony half pegasus?
What are the names of Mina's siblings?
How many brothers does Mina have?
How many sisters does Mina have?
3 people like this.
Polo Fastter
wait what?
Like March 16, 2021
Spirit Weaver
ur answer to 3 is wrong :/
Like March 16, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
They don't allow multiple correct answers :c
Like March 16, 2021
Spirit Weaver
It's okay :///// iat least i know who YOUR favorite is ://///
Like March 16, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
i sorry ;-;
Like March 16, 2021
I feel I did okay considering I've never had any real interactions with you lol
Like March 16, 2021
Lavender Dawn
Damn. I accidentally got one right.
Like March 21, 2021
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Mina May Marzipan
How did you manage....
Like March 21, 2021
Lavender Dawn
WAIT SHE IS A MARE. How did i not notice that.
Like March 21, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
I'm gonna hit you XD
Like March 21, 2021