Zaten walks into the building, looking around. He'd heard about the place, and heard it was owned by his new parents, so he wanted to see it for himself!
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((Cirra here's a way to get the gossip/news
July 5, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
Ephee catches sight of a buggo, familiar to some degree. She's gonna prance up and surprise him when the opportunity makes itself present!
...just going to quietly slip in first, it's about time she did check out this place too.
July 5, 2019

She waves with her tail at the bug. "Hello and welcome to the Turnip Lounge, what can I get for you?" That's a really big tail....
July 10, 2019

Zaten smiles more, nodding again. "Yep! I am Zaten, and they did adopt me. They're great, I love them a lot." He picks up the glass of apple juice and raises it to his muzzle, sipping it.
July 11, 2019

"Oh Hymn goes on about you aaaaaaall the time!~" she coos happily. That's right, she really does, this is one legendary kiddo.
July 11, 2019

He puts the glass down, tilting his head. "She does? What does she say?"
July 11, 2019
Neon had decided to enter the lounge. It felt very weird considering that she hasn't been in a bar for months after she attempted at a family. She slowly plopped herself into a booth and waited. Her m... View More
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After coming back from his hometown, he's become increasingly attached to his family. He's barely left their side, but it's time to get back into the swing of his normal life. The solution to this? Im... View More
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She immediately starts gabbering at the wall of pretty-colored bottles and soft lighting, telling him what she thinks. Half of her words still don't make sense cause she doesn't know how to say exactly what she's trying to describe but most of it easy to fill in. "Godds priddy shine juiz? Why iss ma... View More
May 20, 2019
"That's right, I give drinks to thirsty ponies." She's so smart and he gives her an adoring kiss on the tip of her horn.
May 20, 2019
He hears her teleport things around and admires the pyramid curiously. It looks stable enough that it wasn't going to fall over and kinda fits the relaxing atmosphere, so he ruffles her mane and decides to leave it as is.
May 20, 2019
Minutes after Lyle and Tera entered the bar, Loki would follow. The armour clad stallion pushed open the doors and stepped inside, letting the doors swing closed behind him. His golden, cat-like eyes scanned the interior briefly before landing on the stallion, and his little foal behind the counter.... View More
"That's right. Weidger." Loki nodded in agreement, just playing along with Tera. Hearing her father begin to speak, he shifted his gaze to him and gave him his full, undivided attention, listening closely while occasionally sipping his drink here and there. "Interesting. Sounds like you're lucky to ... View More
May 20, 2019
"I've always been the optimistic type." He grins. "Earth Ponies are hardy, even moreso where I'm from. When we get knocked in the dirt the only thing left to do is get back up, even if it's just to spite whoever knocked you down." He's finally relaxed, recounting his past always seems to put him at ... View More
May 20, 2019
“Hmph. That explains my medallion trembling, even after your little one stopped using her magic to hold it.” Loki would look over to the medallion around Tera’s neck, watching it twitch gently on its chain in the mere presence of Lyle. Interesting. “Some pretty tough bastards come from where I came ... View More
May 20, 2019
Gear pushes the door open with a hoof and walks inside while talking to the Okapi following him. "I haven't really been to this place yet- but from what I've heard it has a pretty good reputation." He... View More
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*she comes in again, looking for some more sushi, and goes to the sushi area now, sitting/laying down at one of the seats*
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She hadn't had any customers for a while, but smells something new and pops her head out of the water behind the sushi bar, ears wiggling. Her eyes go wide as she places her glasses on her nose, a gasp coming from her. "Dear me, a siren? What a day! What has granted me the right to this honor?~" she... View More
She starts opening her other coolers, grinning as she cracks her neck. "Aaaaaalright then, let's get this made into some sushi. So tell me, I know I'm already inland a ways, how did you get here? I was simply bored, myself. Bay my whole life, in a little village. Felt like getting out, stretching my... View More
May 7, 2019
Zaten bleps, looking at the building. "Oooh, I've never seen this place before." He pushes open the door and steps inside, taking a look around.
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Gallant walks into the bar, his heavy hooffalls echoing through the room. He approaches the bar, sighing softly. He had sold all of his wasrws today, but it had been a long couple weeks. The stallion ... View More
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Furball detected! Sky quickly got out a post-it note, writing the word 'FLUFFY' on it, then sticking it on Gallant's horn.
Lorne inches into the lounge, his nose twitching, guiding him to food smells he fell victim to just outside the establishment. Once his head poked in, it was clear as day: hay fries, his favorite! Fre... View More
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His attention is slightly waylaid by a big ol' bushy tail brushing against him as a mare walks by. This wouldn't be bothersome normally, except it appears to be a raccoon tail...on a pony? She looks over her shoulder with a an apologetic smile. "Sorry, bit crowded in here..."
Lorne tried his best to hold back his laughter, using his hooves to cup over his mouth in case he couldn't keep quiet anymore! Whatever she turned into, it was downright hilarious! Finally, he gave in, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth and letting out some weird gasping-laugh hybrid. "O-O... View More
May 7, 2019
She turns back into a pony, giving him a very stern look. "Excuse me, sir. That is my grandmother." she glares at him a moment, puffing on her pipe, before cackling. "Just kidding, I don't have a grandmother, that's just one of my favorite things to turn into." she seems amused. "That being said, tr... View More
May 7, 2019
That stern gaze sent a chill up Lorne's spine. The last thing he wanted to do was anger the ponuki with magical transformation powers. What if she had lazer eyes and turned him into a pile of ash? He couldn't fight no lazer-eyed raccoon. All tension went away once she began joking. Thank goodness! "... View More
May 7, 2019