Earth Ponyo
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Nitroxus Soulspins Sweet Autumn
*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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She waits until Captain Sky N Nova is asleep and proceeds to pile pillows on him, entombing him. For no reason other than she can.
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She is...curious. Maybe a little bored. But also curious.
She's stalking Captain Sky N Nova, but not by prancing around after him, like a pony might. No...she's literally burrowing around beneath hi... View More
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Sky wasn't hard to track given that he was basically 2 or 3 times the weight of a similarly sized dragon...although at the same time it wasn't exactly hard to pick Mithra out either, even given her...unique method of travel. It wasn't the rumbles that gave away her position, she simply wasn't deep e... View More
November 9, 2019
"Well that sucks... Seems everyone and their mother is getting laid off lately. I wish you luck in finding a new job. Given your size and likely strength, labor work might be an alright pick." Shy would shrug a bit, stretching out. "But I wouldn't know, I've never actually had to work for anything i... View More
November 14, 2019
She flicks him roughly on the snoot. "Labor? I am a dragon, not a mule." she says with a snort. Oof, someone said something wrong.
November 14, 2019
"Hey I'm just throwing ideas out...although to be fair i wouldn't want to be caught dead with a labor job either...and me in a service job will likely end in a lawsuit..." He'd chuckle a bit at that last part. "So what are you doing in town anyways?"
November 14, 2019
Mimi is a big girl. That means when she eats, she eats a lot.
As a result, she is now in a total pretzel coma. How many she had eaten is Captain Sky N Nova's guess, but the glassy look in her eyes a... View More
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Between the two of them that guy selling those things had likely filled his quota for the day, although Sky seemed far less effected. Yeah they were maybe the same height but his metabolism was through the roof. Either way he got a slight chuckle at that look in her face, Sky rolling his eyes a bit.... View More
October 22, 2019
"I don't know but you probably should find a place to stay...and a reliable source of income...and stay out of any actual trouble, we're not exactly very far from Canterlot..."
October 27, 2019
"Isn't that the capital?" she says with a tone of someone who really doesn't know much. "And I don't need money for a while! I spent most of my life mining, you'd be surprised how much worth I have on me...assuming I find a good jeweller..." she says with a little shrug.
October 30, 2019
"Plenty of jewelers up in Canterlot which is only a few miles away...not taking altitude into account at least." He'd shrug a bit before continuing. "Just don't let them lowball you and you'll be alright."
October 30, 2019
She's hiding under a cart in the market, shuddering.
She had run into balloons earlier. Horrid, nasty things. They looked soft, shiny, and good for squeezing. But the moment she'd touched one, her sh... View More
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Sky walked past paying no mind to the shaking least for a few seconds. He'd pause then sigh backing up a few feet before lowering his head down. "You know...I expected something thats part dragon to you know...not be hiding under a cart. If there is some giant monster behind me that I som... View More
October 17, 2019
"I don't hear any clapping so I don't think so." He'd snicker a bit there, glancing back at her. "Or maybe if I turned in to a female, them maybe I'd qualify...maybe..." He had to admit, the bouncing reminded him of a certain pink puffball.
October 19, 2019
"I'm sure you'd be a pretty girl!" she says as she sniffs. "What iffff....we got hot peppers with the pretzels though. I miss hot peppers.." she says interestedly.
October 19, 2019
Sky would shrug again. "Well I'm sure you can find those around somewhere. Ponyville is a mostly agricultural town...little bit of tourism too lately..."
October 19, 2019
She just stares at the unbelievably pink, fluffy thing. "......your what? Buh loon?" she stares at the shiny rounds in concern.
She just stares. She doesn't want to be rude, but what kind of person leaves such a dangerous object laying around...?
October 18, 2019
She fell asleep under a pile of old blankets she found in an alley that smelled nice.
No one tell her they'd been used as tarp for manure.
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Earth Ponyo