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Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on October 14, 2003
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looking for some one to give me back my hope
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Anyone here like marvel ?
1 person liked this.
Bright Brave
Sí I get goose bumps from the Avengers theme.
Like November 27, 2021
Ya, I didn't expect it but I cried during infinity war and endgame lol
Like November 27, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
Yes, I'm a Marvel Fan. I once tried to rebuy all the comics that my Dad once owned to try to make his life a little easier. He had just suffered a stroke after losing his house to a fire. Thankfully, Dad had a photographic memory. I did have to stop after like 30 comics, Dad had some really rare com... View More
Like November 27, 2021
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That's really cool, my dad said he used to have a bunch of comics too, supposedly he and his brother burned and tore them up not realizing how much they would be worth years later. I don't why but I personally have an odd obsession with the marvel zombies comics. The story always seemed so intriguin... View More
Like November 27, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
I prefer the comics a bit more than the movies. Especially after Eternals. No spoilers, yet its so far the only MCU movie that you can clearly skip. Just watch the Post Credit if you need to. I enjoyed Thor Dark World more than Eternals. At least I got to see meaningful character growth.
Like November 27, 2021
Well I did see eternals and I'd have to agree, although if you ask me, all of the origin story movies are kind of bleak. But everything after those are pretty good, then again, I watch more movies and shows and play more game than I read comics.
Like November 27, 2021