Stickman, The Normal Stickian
As you may have seen, yes I'm going to be using this group thing more often. This will be a way to sort out stories from Fate's Judgement and The Castle on my end. Be sure to look out for stories from... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Also from here on out, I'm gonna use that rp hashtag thing so I can separate what's rp and what's not, lol.
January 12, 2023
*Onboard the Zariman, rogue ponies were attacking the colony ship. I was aboard to defend it.* #rp
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*As ponies were shooting at my cover, I threw my Glaive to disarm them. The ponies become disarmed. I would grab my glaive and cut them down.* Gotcha. *I would walk over to them and search the corpses.* Let's see why you're here.
January 12, 2023
*As I would search the corpses, I would notice that some of these ponies looked like they were enlisted in the Corpus.* Odd... never thought some ponies would be into the Corpus. *I shake my head.* Nonetheless, these ponies cannot touch this ship. It's too dangerous for the system. *I look at the bi... View More
January 12, 2023
*As I would look at the finger, I would get a call from Quinn.*
(Quinn) Status report.
Some ponies from Equestria invaded the engineering deck. They're taken care of, Quinn.
(Quinn) Good work. Come on up when you're ready.
Noted. Stickman out. *I would hang up the call. I would look around a bit mor... View More
January 12, 2023
*An alarm rang out in the USF Base. NSA was up to his old tricks again in Equestria. Only this time, he was using a mechanical powered keyboard to wreck havoc in the land of friendship. I grab a keyta... View More
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Please excuse the poorly drawn logo. It was a logo I drew while in Photoshop class way back when... eheh.
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