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Coronet Cresthaven

Female. Lives in  Seaward Shoals,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi! I'm known by many names around the internet, But I'm most commonly known as Goose.
I can be a little shy at times, but I love to make new friends so please don't hesitate to message me! <3
Roleplay Universe
Adaptive Canon
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization

Status Update

Coronet Cresthaven
Coronet shows up at your door, her goods cart parked nearby. "Special delivery!" She beams, shuffling about on her hooves as she waits for you to open up. #rp
3 people like this.
Polo Fastter
Sheep opened the door as Sivanro was moving the new couch in place. "Baa." Sheep said
Like February 12, 2022
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Polo Fastter
"My name is Sivanro Jullifer Nelian or just call me Sivanro, Sheep name is just Sheep oddly enough." He said While Sheep write her name under the photo.
Like February 12, 2022
Coronet Cresthaven
"You both have lovely names." Coronet nodded sincerely. "Well, It's been a pleasure getting to meet you two, and I look forward to seeing you at the Acres someday. I hope the progress on your potion shop goes well!"
Like February 12, 2022
Polo Fastter
"See you around Cora." Sivanro said as he set the basket on the table.
Like February 12, 2022
Aset lived in her pyramid, deep within the Bone Dry desert. It would take a while before she answered the door, it was a fairly long way from the main chamber to the entrance... But eventually Aset did make it. Looking at the mare and her cart parked within the sand, rather confused by the guest. ".... View More
Like February 12, 2022
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Well seeing the mare’s reaction Aset was only more confused. What was that about? Frankly it somehow didn’t cross Aset’s mind that the ‘thinking about someone’ thing was supposed to be in a romantic way. “I see… Well, I guess I appreciate the thought, I can’t say I’ve ever gotten anything on this da... View More
Like February 14, 2022
Coronet Cresthaven
"It's... More so just a guess. I don't know everypony, of course, So I wouldn't know whether or not they're in a relationship. So I just give them to as many as possible! That way, whether they're lonely or not, they still have something that will hopefully make them smile." Coronet gestured to her ... View More
Like February 14, 2022
Aset looked at the cart when the mare motioned to it, even walked over to it to see all the other baskets. “Well, take my opinion with a grain of salt, since I am not too familiar with the customs of your kind. But I think you are doing a fine job. Granted, you are wasting your time here, but those ... View More
Like February 15, 2022
The Ghostling would open up the door's to his ploosh emporium as he was Expecting a large Shipment of Plushies for him to use along with Material's, So he was Eagerly waiting for them but did expect them to be on a... Well ship. "Not what I pictured but meh, Thank's By the way!"
Like February 14, 2022
Zap Transfer
A muffled 'J-Just a second!' would resound from the other side of the door, overcoming the current noises that would be heard at that point. That noise sounding rather close to a rather noisy but low buzzing sound. A few seconds later, and the buzzing would have stopped, and a rather bedraggled-look... View More
Like February 14, 2022