Two goblin children would flee away from what seemed like several monster hunter. They scampered through the dark trees and fearful monsters within the everfree forest. Deep down inside lied a small abandoned town. The Town of Tears. This unique city has been in near ruin for hundreds of years and only has one citizen.
Crone. Crone? Who WAS Crone? Well, currently he stood picking flowers slowly. He would reach down to grab what seemed like a pretty. As the goblins ran, it would become dark a...
Amy would be perusing the web when she saw that a local orphanage was being harassed by who allegedly claims to be the "Doll Master". A squad car has been there each day to monitor the children's well being. Amy would huff and grit her teeth. "Not again. You fucking bastard." She would break her phone from slamming it down on the table.
Amy would put on her Doll Maker costume. She would rip her eye patch off her mask. She then reach for her knife and pistol... She would grab the knife but dec...
Good morning students. Today we will be discussing the current topic EVERYONE is talking about.
Rank and what the Fear Settlers do to you.
We have a simple ranking system of old. The pyramid.
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Amy sat in front of a mirror while pulling down her bottom eyelids. Her eyes was so painfully red. No amount of eye drops would satiate this dryness and eventually blood would fall onto the sink. She would look to her left to see a tall pale mare staring at her. Her dead greyish skin lacked fur. She had a large flowing pink mane and pink eyelashes. Her mouth was seen shut with pink string. The pink on her was nearly glowing. Her beauty was intense and quite frankly, it just added to her strange...
his is a case study of the mutant girl that recently applied to be here. Amy is an oddball. She doesn't have trouble making friends but she has odd tendencies. I would come to think she has sociopathic tendencies. She was deemed a prime candidate for a new program called "Pandora's Unboxing".
This program is... It's vile. Even for someone who could be so violently devoid of love. Pandora's Unboxing is mean't to be a mutation that can dismantle even the greatest security. Perfect for a cold ca...
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Sometimes I wonder.
I wonder who I am. I forget at times and my brain puzzles the peices together. Slowly I lose concept of time, feeling, love, sensation, taste. It was all replaced with fear. A fear anyone can understand. A fear of losing ones self. In my case, I'm losing my mind. I can't talk to people anymore. I fear losing myself.
Time moves so slow in my eyes. Fear rules in godly body as even then I watch their teeth banging. Their lips smacking. The world spins so slowly. Is the wor...
An excited Amy would come over to a just as excited Thomas Reid. Reid would have adjusted his glasses and crouched down to her level to pick her up.
"Up you go! Look at you!" He would give her a gentle smile as he would sit on her pink bed. "Time for your check up, Amy. "
Oh my Celestia... Oh my... He's so my type! Gold mane and beautiful white fur. His smile is so... Beautiful. Amy would adjust her binoculars and slurp up the saliva about to run down her face.
Yet... YET...! Amy would reel back as her eyes nearly went back into her head. He had a girlfriend... Bastard. How dare you cheat on me?! We've been talking behind another girls back this whole time...
Bastard... bastard... BASTARD! She would break her binoculars in half out of sheer anger. Amy would...
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NEFARIOUS! Saw a new movie recently and it was rather... Odd. A bit scary even? The newest upcoming film is about a murderer who hides amongst the shadows as a common worker. Kinda like Patrick Bateman type. However, she is too good at it. Her entire attitude and attire. It was aspiring as a villain.
Neffy! Would lean into his seat as he squinted his eyes. Had some popcorn ready and up to his face. "I don't believe it. Not for a moment. I can see the darkness in your eyes. I'll find you. Thi...
Every day I wake up and it is something new. Not to mention I have so much to lose. So many depend on ny generosity that I would do anything to see their smiles of gratitude again. It scares me. It scares every part of me. For now though.
It's another day. Hallow shades. How grim.
Brimsyone would show up to a small town outside of hallow shades called "The Corner of the Earth" or The land of ghosts. Once named Honeywell, the town burnt to the ground from monster hunting murderers. What a ...
The rain was clear... Good!
He would huff as he put his hands up to start the fight until all the sudden: A giany lady came from the sky. Well, small lady. Giant puppetry arms in a spider formation. Brimstone would have his mouth wide open as he witnessed it. W-What?!
One of the vampire would laugh and yell out. "Hey, Idiot! Beat that?! Not a chance!" Brimstone would then glance at the lady with a blush on his face. W-Whoa! She is pretty. Long blonde hair with a nice figure. She lacked leg...