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is this what ponies see when they look at humans? if so i am not even mad i am glad someone is impressed about how good at fighting we are
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - Church Battle Royale (edited - Only Action) - YouTube
I just discovered that I made a couple of clips that weren't uploaded. When I first saw it I was amazed. It really is special. Movie info:
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Jade courage
why are you taking this as a compliment?
October 18, 2021 55 days at Canterlot
55 Days at Peking: The Song of 11 Nations [COMPILATION] - YouTube
I compiled all of the existing versions of the song "55 Days at Peking" and included subtitles in the songs native Language and in English. I want to thank...
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also Nox soulspin please don't contact us...we don't want what your sellin
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*Nitroxus would adjust his glasses.* I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and I'm in the business of sharing joy.
hey, celestia, can you stop turning people into ponies...we happen to like being who we are and we will not hesitate to do our job.
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