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for those wondering what the dominion's history is...well, our history is all of human's history...but the most fundamental point where the downward spiral which caused the dominion to be a necessity ... View More
Sabaton - Great War (Music Video) - YouTube
Read the description Credits to Knight SGCBitchute: https://twitte...
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Voxel Dominion
our species have Mastered war...but our hubris costed millions of lives, unity, and the rise of political instability...but in 2018 Our Lord Administrator rose from bereaucratic corruption, radical political opposition, and warlords of africa and asia to unite the third world under 1 military order.... View More
June 12, 2021
daily reminder for the more open minded ponies who are sympathetic to the dominion.
there is no shame of using your talents for your own benefit. altruisim is naught but a social construct to creat... View More
Lord administrator Harken clearly drunk: screw you all, your mother was a hapsburg and so was your father
*Nitroxus floated down by holding onto an umbrella and landed in front of the creature. With a smile, he bowed to them.* Hello and welcome. I do hope you enjoy your time here.
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You mean I came here for nothing, well I wish I known that before.
August 31, 2020
don't pay any heed to the celestian loyalist. the voxel dominion simply wishes to help evolve ponykind and help it transition into our empire.
August 31, 2020
*Blinks.* Well this sounds like a war is brewing. Going to my bunker to hide for this.
August 31, 2020
to those of equus and beyond who recieve our message, celestia is lying about our goals. The Voxel Dominion wishes to help Ponies evolve beyond that of only one talent. the dominion believes that you ... View More
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The Loveling Empire will devoure you. they consume all! Everything become one with there love! Even if they dont want to!
I thought were were talking about MLP themed stellaris empires. If so then
"In deed the swarm will inoculate you!"
If not then
((creator of the Voxel Dominion here...while the flag was made in Stellaris the Voxel Dominion was for a universe called "Story Mode"
September 1, 2020
"You mean cake alicorn? She retired. I took over Equestria a few days ago" darker said throwing the letter away.
September 1, 2020
He looked at the message, sitting in his captain's chair, hardpsi interface hovering in front of him. He sighs, "Even on a world like this, in the middle of a fucking bubble of black holes, I /still/ can't get away with /not/ dealing with crazy shit! Wish I could at least have one fucking year to my... View More
September 1, 2020
Ghost i work with celestia...humans need to become ponies because they are too dangerous.
September 2, 2020
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Humans, Ponies and griffons, all are welcome to join.