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Nitroxus Soulspins Kind Claw
*Nitroxus would slide over while rocking on his Saxophone to the pony. He smiled and nodded. He then passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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May 12, 2019
I am writing to say goodbye since I was never good at saying it personally. It was such a delight to meet you and your subjects I even made a friend or two but It's time I moved on, we all have to move on it's all apart of life otherwise we'd never grow into more loving and wise creatures. Please send your sister and my friend my regards.
Sincerely: Kind Claw.
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A rude person with an internet connection!? How original...(Sighs)
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you can shorten this to "rude people" and call it a day
I mean, we're not JUST on the internet
Found an App that scans barcodes and tells you if the product is vegan.
The Future is here and the future is vegan! :) <3
I went to a Furry event last Saturday. I had never been and I wanted to see what it was like, turns out the music was good and we Bronies get along fine with the Furries my friend may have even found ... View More
I ate all the vegan Magnum ice creams now I want more, many more! I now realize what the hype was about <3<3<3
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So many wolves here I could build me a pack!
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i'd also like to point out that the badlands is a large place and the fact the show takes mythalogical creature inspirations constantly means that anyone can really be anything in the fandom. Hell who here that's not australian knows what a bunyip is?
yeah. the show didn't really get it's lore right saying that the bunyips name when translated means "devil" or "evil spirit". it's a dangerous monster with no real set appearance but is an apex predator of billabongs (ox bow lakes) and swamps and of course the Murray River. Each part of australia ha... View More
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