//Warning may contain some violence, but will try to keep it on the downside. Disclaimer what happens here is a dream not reality. Plus, I'm not the best at acting out other characters apart from my own.//
What started off as a typical day in Canterlot's Castle soon broke into complete chaos! Whatever was going on wasn't good. In fact, The Queen had ordered everyone to evacuate immediately, but where was her husband... and the guards? Most of the guards had been taken care of, but why? Turns ...
A few months ago, an epic battle took place between good and evil. The battle took place in a world filled with darkness and powerful dark magic, a world filled with terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows, waiting for their prey. Anyone who was either gifted, born, or touched by dark magic would eventually end up here in this dangerous world, but the terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows weren't the problem here; there was another creature who was far more dangerous, and his nam...
Becoming a Queen was no easy task...at this stage it was only a title, but that title would become reality. Lesa wasn't born into a royal family she didn't have any royal bloodline in her whatsoever none that she was aware of. She married into it. She had everything she ever wanted a loving husband and a beautiful daughter~ yes there was a small rumor going around the Castle that The Queen might be pregnant again, but that was only a rumor~ nevertheless tough times were ahead... with her husband...
Tick tock goes the clock... The clock was ticking constantly... always ticking until it wasn't. There was a plan in place, but just like any other plan it needed a contingency plan and what was that plan? Preparing The Queen for full reign over the Kingdom not only that but Equestria itself!! No pressure right? *Nervous laughter* It was no easy task that's for sure... the thought of doing it without her husband kinda threw The Queen off... he had more experience than she did. Sure she did manage...
Hearing about Prince Dusk Shine made Lesa think back to the day when she was his assistant, she was twenty-one years of age when she met Dusk for the first time. Without any doubt that stallion loved his books. He did have quite a collection of books in his library all nicely organized. How did Lesa become Dusk's assistant? You would think he wouldn't need one because he already had one his trustworthy dragon assistant. She didn't use her charm or her looks nor did she use her knowledge, she was...
Not yet it wasn't, but four years ago it was... Lesa stood outside on the balcony looking over at the city below which city you ask? The capital city of Canterlot. She couldn't sleep mainly cause she had a bit on her mind, and she had just put her daughter to bed... here she was now engaged once more not only that but being an actual mother for the first time it would have been the second but... that didn't go too well.
Four years ago she was engaged and she had been through a few heartbreak...