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Queen Lesa
by on August 5, 2023
A few months ago, an epic battle took place between good and evil. The battle took place in a world filled with darkness and powerful dark magic, a world filled with terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows, waiting for their prey. Anyone who was either gifted, born, or touched by dark magic would eventually end up here in this dangerous world, but the terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows weren't the problem here; there was another creature who was far more dangerous, and his name was Somber. 
Somber had raised an army that he would use to conquer Equestria, but to take his army through the portal, he needed more power, and to get that power, he needed to absorb it from another individual who was just as strong as he was. Luckily for him, he didn't have to search for that individual because two individuals stood in front of the portal, blocking the army from entering.
King Artemis and his wife, Queen Lesa, were both well equipped for this occasion. They stood side by side, looking at the army that stood in front of them. The odds weren't good! Somber certainly had the advantage, without any doubt, but with determination and hope, the King and Queen jumped into battle!
The battle was intense, but so far the King and his Queen were doing well. Admittedly, they had a few close calls, but nothing too serious, thankfully. Eventually, Somber's army was defeated, and he wasn't too pleased about it, but thanks to his army, both the King and Queen were quite exhausted after all that battling. 
Now the real fight could commence, and Somber was looking forward to it. He had a personal score to settle with Artemis and his wife, mainly Artemis. Another intense fight broke out between Artemis and Somber. Who would win this battle? Both Somber and Artemis were equally matched; it was hard to tell who would win this fight.
Thankfully, it was Artemis who won in the end, defeating Somber once and for all! But at a cost... Don't panic. He was still alive, but he fell unconscious. The Queen had a difficult time carrying her husband back through the portal. This was due to him being larger and taller than her, but surprisingly, she did manage to get him back home.
A few more months had passed, and the King still hadn't woken up. At least he was still alive, but somebody had to rule the kingdom while he recovered, and that somebody was his wife. It wasn't going to be easy, but she had managed it once before when her husband was away on a business trip, so in a way it would be no different, but one question remained: how long would her husband stay unconscious for? Only time will tell.
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