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About Me
I am a pegasus mare from the city of Thunderhead, a Pegasus Enclave city built over Hoofington near the top of Shadowbolt Tower.I am the middle child of the five daughters of Thunderhead politician Sky Striker and the ex-surface Pegasus Dawn and grew up in their estate in an affulent district of the city. Kindhearted and intelligent, i showed a desire to help other ponies from a young age and had an interest in also helping non-pegasi, possibly due to either my mother's past life, or my father'... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins Fallen Glory
*Nitroxus rode on a magical playing piano and it flew itself to the pony. He smiled once he was near the pony and climbed off the piano. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Wheeeze. Its been too long since i've been here
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*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*night rose is in the dinning room in canterlot castle, waiting for the ponys , that she sent letters to, to arrive*
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Silver does the boop on Fallen's snoot.
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*scrunches up her face cutely and does the boop on Silver Shield's snoot*
June 19, 2019
For the last time I'm not gay! I'm just
... Confused because of the hormones.
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*they bat her eyes so quick. and every single time they bat, she could hear a little blinking noise*
Huggles? Please.
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I kinda can't celebrate fathers day cause I don't have a father or even am one... So this day is awkward for me.
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I use to play outside... Then I took a magical energy blast to the chest.
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"I used to take walks alone at night... Then I got bit, almost died, and grew wings and fangs."
June 15, 2019
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I Am
Gamer, Artist, Musician, Roleplayer, Techie