Fallen Glory

Female. Lives in Thunderhead,  Limbo,  Beyond Equestria. Born on June 19, 1995
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I am a pegasus mare from the city of Thunderhead, a Pegasus Enclave city built over Hoofington near the top of Shadowbolt Tower.I am the middle child of the five daughters of Thunderhead politician Sky Striker and the ex-surface Pegasus Dawn and grew up in their estate in an affulent district of the city. Kindhearted and intelligent, i showed a desire to help other ponies from a young age and had an interest in also helping non-pegasi, possibly due to either my mother's past life, or my father'... View More
Roleplay Universe
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical playing piano and it flew itself to the pony. He smiled once he was near the pony and climbed off the piano. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Fallen Glory
Hec i'll join in on this madness as well with some good old raritea.
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Fallen Glory
Wheeeze. Its been too long since i've been here
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Nice to see you're back.
Like August 27, 2020
Fallen Glory
Not gonna lie its nice being back XP
Like August 28, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Glad to know. So how have things been so far?
Like August 28, 2020
Fallen Glory
So far? Meh. . . Chaotic to say the least.
Like August 28, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Must be hard.
Like August 28, 2020
Fallen Glory
Yeah but i'm managing.
Like August 30, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
That's good.
Like August 30, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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night shade
*night rose is in the dinning room in canterlot castle, waiting for the ponys , that she sent letters to, to arrive*
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Silver Shield
Silver does the boop on Fallen's snoot.
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Fallen Glory
*scrunches up her face cutely and does the boop on Silver Shield's snoot*
Like June 19, 2019
Silver Shield
He blinks, then quickly turns away before sneezing powerfully!
Like June 19, 2019
Fallen Glory
*giggles saying* Bless you.
Like June 19, 2019
Silver Shield
Silver sniffles. "Thank you, excuse me!"
Like June 19, 2019
Fallen Glory
For the last time I'm not gay! I'm just ... Confused because of the hormones.
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Dream Vezpyre
*Dream bats her eyes at Fallen*
Like June 17, 2019
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Dream Vezpyre
*they bat her eyes so quick. and every single time they bat, she could hear a little blinking noise*
Like June 17, 2019
Love Struck
Love blows them both a kiss and winks. "Hehe."
Like June 17, 2019
Fallen Glory
*blushes deeply*
Like June 17, 2019
Fallen Glory
Huggles? Please.
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Ivory Charm
"Of course!" Ivory hugs the other mare.
Like June 17, 2019
Fallen Glory
Yay! ^^
Like June 17, 2019
Ivory Charm
Like June 17, 2019
Celtic Cross
Like June 18, 2019
Fallen Glory
Like June 18, 2019
Celtic Cross
The green stallion shook his head. "Consent is required."
Like June 18, 2019
Fallen Glory
Like June 18, 2019
Minty Frost
Sorry, I'm not a hugger.
Like June 18, 2019
Fallen Glory
Like June 18, 2019
Silver Shield
"Indeed, where are they? I have been waiting for some time now."
Like June 18, 2019
Fallen Glory
I kinda can't celebrate fathers day cause I don't have a father or even am one... So this day is awkward for me.
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Fallen Glory
I use to play outside... Then I took a magical energy blast to the chest.
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So you still play outside
Like June 15, 2019
Fallen Glory
I play carefully outside.
Like June 15, 2019
Trixie Lulamoon
"I used to take walks alone at night... Then I got bit, almost died, and grew wings and fangs."
Like June 15, 2019
Morty Smith
Like June 15, 2019
Cally Ber
I use to smoke, but I quit after my dad had heart palpations and cancer. Too bad your story gave me cancer anyway.
Like June 15, 2019 Edited
Deactive user
Nice copypasta you unoriginal fuckwad.
Like June 15, 2019
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