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Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on September 21, 1983
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Dolly’s full title is Lady Dolly Root. She was born on September 21st, 1983. She is very much alive and somewhat well at the age of 36 (parent’s were ages 28 [mother] and 33 [father])
Grandmother’s name and title are Lady Lillian Root. (Lilly is a nickname) her birthdate is April 15th, 1925 and is currently still kicking at the age of 95.
Grandfather’s name and (given through marriage) title was Lord Billy Root, and born on June 11th, 1924. His unmarried name was Billy Moss. He passed on December ... View More
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The Castle
172 Members
You all got a free lore post on Dolly by accident. How did this happen.
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Bright Brave
I prayed.
Like December 11, 2020
I see. *loads shotgun* /j
Like December 11, 2020
Bright Brave
Like December 11, 2020
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This was originally just going to be a wall post but it got too long ^^’
Like December 11, 2020
A small bump for the different timezone
Like December 12, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
this actually kicks ass
Like December 12, 2020
Fuck yeah!
Like December 12, 2020
Dolly is once again at it, selling hoof-knit sweaters and other warming items at her stall. Be it the one in Canterlot or Ponyville you decide!
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The ghostling would slowly shimmy to dolly with a bag of bits and a tissue in his nose
Like October 26, 2020
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She smiles, before counting out his bits and giving him his change and his new sweater!
Like October 26, 2020
He would instantly put it on shimming away, while still sneezing.
Like October 26, 2020
"H-Have a g-good day s-sir!"
Like October 26, 2020
Blood approached with a rather elegant trot as he examined the selection. "Oh my, how quaint!" he began examining the items on sale, of course, by eye only, he wasn't about to start rummaging through someone's merchandise for no reason.
Like October 26, 2020
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She examined it, before smiling, the little sheep ewe nodding to herself. "T-That would b-be ten b-bits?"
Like October 26, 2020
"Why of course!" he began patting himself for bits, and upon realizing he had none on person, he immediately abandoned the scarf and left her stall... In a bit, he came back with the bits and paid up. "Apologies if that was rather awkward." he said softly before putting the scarf on in a very half-... View More
Like October 26, 2020 Edited
Her ears had folded back as he left, before she set to work folding the scarf back up and setting it neatly back in the pile. When he came back she was pleasantly surprised, smiling at him. "O-oh! Its q-quite alright s-sir! Have a-a good d-day!"
Like October 26, 2020
flam looks at it. "williing to barter? or is it bits only?" he asked the sheep, looking at her merchandise closely, to see if any of the choices suited him.
Like October 26, 2020
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She pauses, having never been good with fashion or color matching, she wanted to be sure of herself first. "Hmm.. Per-Perhaps a bl-blush or a ja-jade color?"
Like October 30, 2020
he thought of this. "of course!" he said with a nod. "i shall have that sort of jacket then as well as the vest!"
Like October 30, 2020
She smiles, pulling out a jade and a blush color one each, they were actually quite nice looking. Gently placing them in a paper bag (to be environmentally friendly!) “A-And and what co-color vest would yo-you like, si-sir?”
Like November 2, 2020
Another petition is slid to you. The slider, unknown. The title reads, “Let Dolly Say Fuck... Again.” Do you sign?
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Deactive user
Twistina doesn't sign.
Like February 9, 2020 Edited
Dolly becomes the loaf. Where? On top of legs. Now he cannot move. She has bestowed her trust upon him.
Dolly is nice and comfy! Because she has nice and warm wool to keep her comfy and warm, so hah. Buy her sweaters and you will be warm and comfy too!
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
She a cutie
Like December 2, 2019
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Socks aren't my thing :joy:
Like December 2, 2019
Pfft, they keep her hooves warm, and she wears em in public! How scandalous of her! Lol
Like December 2, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Still cute :P
Like December 3, 2019
*a petition is slid to you, titled “Let Dolly Say ‘Fuck’”. Do you sign your name?*
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Ice Wisp
Like November 27, 2019
*a round of collective gasps filled the room*
Like November 27, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt signs.
Like November 27, 2019
*murmurs of approval, and one, very loud, and quite familiar voice yells* F-FUCK!
Like November 27, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt cheers.
Like November 27, 2019
Astral Empyrean
Like November 27, 2019
Like November 27, 2019
H-Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh *comes a groan from a... very fluffy ewe. Her winter coat is coming in. But it’s still fucking warm, sometimes hot where she is. So, she’s suffering.* Whyyyyyyy m-muust iit s-sstiill... View More
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Because *insert name* is here
Like October 4, 2019
*Dolly has the feeling that she’s been being watched, which causes her to be more nervous as of late... She’s gone to her stall in Ponyville today, glancing around herself a lot..* ...
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Bubble Berry
Bubble berry would watch her from above.
Like October 1, 2019
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I-I told t-the witch d-doctor y-you didn’t l-love me t-true
Like October 1, 2019
Bubble Berry
"And then the Witch Doctor he gave me this advice: Ooo eee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang"
Like October 1, 2019
Y-You’ve been k-keeping love f-from me j-just like y-you were a-a miser
Like October 1, 2019
Deactive user
Twisted trots over to Dolly and slaps a wrist mounted time telling device on her hoof "You've been watched."
Like October 1, 2019
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