Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area as the moon began to greet the evening sky, stood the older prince. Well, in this case, the only prince now. A.. good bit of time had passed since Solaris last saw his home, a large variety of emotions flashing through his eyes as he stared down at the view before him. He wished he had returned on a better note. He wished he had returned without the intent on taking back what was rightfu...
It was a warm, slightly cloudy day. There was a slight breeze that kept it from being too hot when not in the shade. Overall, it was one of those days that was perfect for a picnic and Solaris was doing just that.
Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area, Solaris was enjoying himself a glass a wine and the company of one other. Sitting next to Solaris was an earth mare. Her coat was a light grey, mane/tail like flowing silver ...
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No more procrastination. No more excuses. No more major preparations needed. The time has finally come for Solaris and Sunbreaker to split apart. Was Sol still anxious about it? Of course! It's not every day you rip a piece of your soul out of yourself, after all. Solaris sat at the desk that was within his room, looking down at all the tools that were gathered. An open book, some chalk, and most importantly a dagger. This was no ordinary dagger, though. The blade was created from a mix of quart...
I must admit, writing in a journal, expressing my thoughts feels rather.. foreign. I'm more for photographs when capturing moments to cherish them later. Maybe it's because writing requires me to actually reflect on my inner thoughts and feelings before expressing them? That, in of just itself, is something I've rarely been able to do. For as long as I can remember, I've always had to act calm and collected with a level head due to the expectations Father had for me. Even when Mother was lost to...
Tonight was Solaris' turn to guard the Artemis Bow, having placed it in a small, hidden room with only one way in or out. There was just enough room for himself, the bow and maybe one other creature. Solaris sat across from the bow, his eyes closed as he meditated. Well, attempted to meditate, anyways. His body language showed that he was exhausted and the way his face looked made it seem like he was in slight pain. The room was eerily silent, not even an echo traveled down the tunnel that lead ...