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Rio-Rio Russell

Female. Lives in Electri-City,  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on December 5, 1996
Roleplay Availability
About Me
“Hello beautiful ponies! ‘Tis I, Rio! Short for Rio-Rio, short for Rio-Rio Russell! Hey, you should try saying that six times fast ahaha~! I can’t wait to make plenty of friends and learn about the diverse creatures of the world, the universe never ceases to amaze me!”
Roleplay Universe
Equestria and Uzzah (original universe)
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Cute ponies
108 Members
43 Members
Turnip Lounge
76 Members
Equestria Music Society
22 Members
Into the 80s
32 Members
The Castle
172 Members
Ponies of Pony Town
101 Members
Bright Brave
Rio-Rio, ill love you forever.
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Carmen Gumshoe
//HI YOUR ART IS SO FREAKIN PRETTY AND I’M SORRY I HAVE TO SULLY YOUR TIMELINE WITH A NIC CAGE MEME BUT UHHH YEAH Carmine leaves this note, along with a piece of chocolate, outside one of Rio’s shows... View More
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
Love it
Like February 13, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Omg this just gave me a cavity 🥺
Like February 27, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
A tappin’, flappin’ Rio! 💃🏾
16 people like this.
Ice Wisp
I thought that was a riding crop at first.
Like February 11, 2020
Maxh Vezpyre
Lookit' that floofy cute
Like February 11, 2020
Bright Brave
Rio Rio reee You are a dream to me.
1 person liked this.
Bright Brave
Gimmie fuel gimmie fire gimmie that which I desire.
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Rio-Rio Russell
“And what do you desire o’ brave soldier?”
Like January 21, 2020
Bright Brave
"To be close by you. And victory.,
Like January 21, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
“Then remain by my side, and together we shall be victoRIOus! Ahehehe!”
Like January 22, 2020
Bright Brave
A dream come true.
Like January 22, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
King Frederick and Rio-Rio love playing in the jungles of Sunsettle. With deep concentration and an abundance of imagination from both parties, Rio is able to seemingly transform the quirky duo into l... View More
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Bright Brave
Like January 14, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
They’re grrrrrrrRREAT!
Like January 14, 2020
Bright Brave
Like January 14, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Sac-Mac Lineart is done!
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Deactive user
You should make the 4/20 date bigger
Like January 5, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Oh crap I really didn’t pay attention to the date like that! OuO It’s just my first drawing in 2020. But now it’s even more special 🥺
Like January 6, 2020
Bright Brave
Gotta eat ghosts.
Like January 5, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Like January 14, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
8 people like this.
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Claps to epic depiction of two of his favorite character merged into one.*
Like January 4, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Thank you, thank you.
Like January 4, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Like January 4, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Waffle Potato on EA drew the illustrious and youthful king that Rio proudly serves! He looks so beautiful! 😍😍😍
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
Too bootiful. Stawp. I might have to serve him.
Like January 1, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Another art traaaaade! This was done between “Skittles” on (what used to be called) Equestria Amino and I. Lots of talent and lots of fun!
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Adrian Coalhopper
Like January 1, 2020
Rio-Rio Russell
Thank you!
Like January 1, 2020
Bright Brave
MMMMMMM. more plz~
Like January 1, 2020
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