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Seabreeze was resting on the leaf of a tree. He watched the world go by, sighing to himself, he wanted to go out and explore, but he was scared of the bigger creatures. He was growing tired of breezie... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Is floating on the breeze, he seems to be struggling, "Hoozle! Izzam Seabreezle! I nibbly doop needy wizzle to my zippy fella breeziewoo!" He called out, his voice very tiny and couldn't be heard over... View More
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Bright Brave
Bright spotted the poor thing with his hunters vision, deftly saving him. "Hay little buddy. You shouldn't be here."
Like September 4, 2024
“hjelp! jeg blir nappet av den gigantiske ponnien!!! hjelp meg!!!" the breezie shouted out, but to the bigger creatures, he was the sound of a mosquito
Like September 4, 2024
Bright Brave
He got the the silly bug thing a shelter from a cardboard box, and some water with the bottle cap as a cup. :3
Like September 4, 2024
“I need to got home, breeze village,” Seabreeze could speak equestrian but his voice was still very tiny, he had a scowl on his face.
Like September 4, 2024
Caurus gasped, looking up from her hiding spot on the ground. "Seabreeze!!" The young breezie waved frantically over to him, trying to get his attention. "Her nede! Det er meg, Caurus! Hjelp!! <Down here! It's me, Caurus! Help!!>"
Like September 4, 2024
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"Jeg er også fortapt! Men jeg er glad du er her... <I'm lost too! But I'm glad you're here...>" She gasped and exclaimed, "V-vær så snill, ikke utesteng meg fra pollenkjøringen for dette! Jeg beklager, jeg, jeg vet at jeg er for ung, jeg ville bare ha eventyr og nå skal mamma drepe meg! Og SÅ s... View More
Like September 4, 2024
Seabreeze’s expression soured. He went and grabbed her. "vi får deg hjem, det er den første ideen. Etter det vil jeg og de andre brisene diskutere straffen din!“ “<we are getting you home, that's the first idea. After that me and the other breezies will discuss your punishment!>”
Like September 5, 2024 Edited
Caurus started to cry. "<I-I understand...>" The eight-year-old breezie had put up with a lot of danger in Equestria, and yet she still had never been more afraid than she was now.
Like September 5, 2024
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