Imma just keep it short...I'm tired...I'm exhausted really. I don't see a reason to live on. There's no point anymore. They always say things get better, but shit just gets worse.
I attempted suicide already for the first time in years...and I haven't been able to shake it since....Ever since I felt as if I don't belong here. Like I should be alive. Really, I'm just too tired of this world.
I'm tired of the injustice. I'm tired of the betrayal. I'm tired of the evil. I'm tired of the lack...
Hectic. Hell. Boring. Discouraging. There are a lot of words that can be used to describe one’s day…. Or even one’s life.
As life goes one, as one grows older, we learn and grow. We laugh and we cry. We feel pain and happiness. We cry and we smile. We go throw many experiences the longer we live. As we live our lives, we only hope we are living life well enough. But how are we living.
For many of us, life is a hellscape of sorts. Whether it be true, what we believe, or how we...
The message has ended. The forest is now quiet again, but only for a moment. The entity on the throne would take in a breath, then would slowly exhale as it put away the device it used to play the message. “…..Some would say that was a fitting end for him. There are always casualties in war. He was just one of the many….They are wrong. He was never supposed to die… No one else could see that. No one else could see how wrong things were. We lost all we ever knew. I lost him. The one thing that I ...
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This forest is quiet. Too quiet. The sky is gray with bits of light poking through, but the forest is dark. The forest is full of trees and many other plantlife for it is a dense forest, but the plantlife is barely alive with the leaves barely hanging on. There is a tense air to this forest, as if nothing is right. Something is watching. Something is listening. The forest is dead, yet it is breathing. There is an air of death that lingers. The bodies of animals large and small are littered every...
Obsilion is panting heavily while hiding behind. He has been running from a group of rather angry spirits. Now what could he have done to grab the attention of a group of vengeful spirits? Well here is the short version of that story....There is a small ghost town that is smack dead in the middle of a random forest that is in the middle of nowhere. He had found this place a few months back and had marked it as a point of interest. After a while of further investigating the area around the town a...
Sylvia gasps as she wakes up and quickly sits up.
Its dark. Very dark. There is no light whatsoever, yet she can see as if there is a dim light, but there is nothing to see. This is a dark void with nothing, yet she can see. She knows she shouldn't be able to see. There is no light. Just a black space. Yet, she can see.
"What is this place?...." she asks herself as she looks around....As if there is anything to look at. Why would she have to look around if there is nothing in this void?
"It l...
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Sylvia had stationed herself on a rather large island in the middle of the ocean, far, far south of Canterlot's harbor. She had set up a small camp for herself since she planned on being here for quite some time. So far, she has been on this island for only two days. She had come to this island a day after the little bit of excitement, or annoyance, that had happened at Artemis's castle. She is still dressed in a midnight blue sports bra and black yoga pants with her hooves still wrapped in band...
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The rough sounding voice of a young male speaks up.
"Alright..Its working..Good...Obsilion..I hope this message reaches you..If you're still out there. I'm out of food and my life support has ran out....You probably still see me as a traitor...That's alright I guess...I just wish you knew the truth..."
The voice sighs softly.
"I'm just glad I got to run one last mission with you....It seems now I'll be going home..Funny..I never imagined I'd die like this...I always thought I'd die fighting...
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Obsilion sat out in front of a tunnel, panting heavily as he sat against a tree. He is pretty much soaked in sweat and is nearing dehydration. There is something strange about the tunnel that he is sitting in front of. The tunnel appears to have been freshly carved. Not only that, but there is some blood splattered here and there. The way the tunnel was carved made it seem like someone was punching or kicking the rock away.
Obsilion would continue to sit against the tree, panting heavily. His a...
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Tonight is a dangerous night for the teenage filly. Sylvia has been scheduled to fight in this underground arena, the arena being near the border that separated Equestria from the Badlands. Her opponent to night was among one of the most dangerous in the world of underground fighting. The owner of the arena, a stallion by the name of Vex Nori, made sure to have a serious conversation with Sylvia. He made sure to tell her everything she needed to know about...
Obsilion would groan and cough in pain as he slowly wakes up. Though he was now awake, he would still keep his eyes closed for a while. He could hear and feel a fire nearby as well as another creature. Did someone save him?
"I see you're awake now." a voice would speak. Most likely the voice of the creature that's nearby. The voice was low, kinda deep, and a little dark. Like someone who is tired of living or just tired in general.
Obsilion grunts a bit in pain as he tries to slowly sit u...
It was a rather quiet afternoon here in the Everfree. Obsilion would be making his way to the Tree of Harmony to start his.....I guess you can call it rehabilitation. As he walked he would be lost in thought, thinking about everything he's been through. He thought about all of his responsibilities. He thought about the burden that was placed on his shoulders. He sighs a bit and shakes his head as he tries to clear his mind, allowing himself to just listen to his surroundings for a moment.
As ...