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Chiller Sway
by on September 30, 2019
Yes there was once a time, this profile had a much different profile picture and username. this picture and "orange_man_from" as the username. And why? many would ask. The roleplay site would look at my profile identity and say "Ohh, you are approaching me?" [I would edit in a Jojo meme but I'm away from my computer] And while some have asked, I'm sure many were just confused and thought I was a troll account. Or that I was just OOC and didn't even have a character to roleplay as, or that I wouldn't stick around, or that even if I did roleplay I wasn't gonna be any good.
The Tl;Dr is: orange_man finally took some advice and listened to his conscience. He's a new stallion!
But none of that! Nein! because none of that was true. I tried to stick up for myself. I made a bio that I'm mostly proud of, I've been active daily for close to a year, I added more characters to my account when the feature debuted, I have lots of OC art on just this profile let alone my other character slots, chipped in to some wall RP, made friends, stayed away from making enemies, and done what I can to be as good a user on here as one could expect!
Yet even today I'd occasionally have people ask "Why orange_man_from, and why are you always linking to art of your OC instead of making it your profile?" And even if you didn't ask I know you thought the question in your minds. *ahem* Let's do this

Making an online profile

June 13, 2014. A Steam profile gets made by a 14 year old boy in order to play Magika Wizard Wars with his best school friend. Unfortunately the game is no longer available on Steam, otherwise I would play it again for the nostalgia. In the two days prior he'd been deciding on something very important, something he knew even back then would be very influencial on how he used the internet for years hence. In order to download Wizard Wars he needed a Steam account. A username, and a profile picture were the big requirements on his mind. Up until this point the boy had played the Nintendo family consoles and been using his real name. Sure, he loved the movie Wall-E and used the nickname Auto sometimes, but only rarely. This however was much different. Many people were going to look at this username and picture, and he wanted it to be his own.
Inspiration struck him as he tread down the street to his friend's house to hang out during summer break. This same friend, the one mentioned earlier, had a silly and (to the boy's knowledge) unique username: CheeseKing17 or soemthing to that effect. And the story behind that one?

"I was eating string cheese that day and I needed to make a username for (Ithink it was Diablo or something), so I just became CheeseKing."

It could just be something simple, but that I put a twist on. So, what was the simple thing my mind latched onto? Well I followed my friend's thought process. Food. Food is good. What kind of food? How would I think about the right one?

A username begins

A dumb thought rolled into my brain. "Hey, the Annoying Orange is losing popularity." Now to be clear I never watched the Annoying Orange and I found him to be annoying. You can't deny it had appeal to kids but I wasn't that type. So what exactly pushed that to the forefront of my mind I'll never know.
But orange was sealed. The man part simply came up because I didn't want people to always know what age I was so I just put "man" in there. But, the last part was tricky.
See, a username works as "orange_man", but I still wanted something special about it. Little me decided a thought-provoking question would do the trick. "where from?" From... Perfect! Maybe it would cause someone to think and ponder the question in their heads "Where would orange_man be from?" Little kid me already had the answer to that: Mars. Mars is orange after all. But to add Mars would make it a bit long, plus I still wanted to get people thinking! And maybe it worked? Perhaps. It did in some cases.
Thus the profile name was born! But you can't just have a name! You gotta put in a picture. And a picture of my face surely wasn't going on there, no, no, no. Instead of showing my face out there I looked into my interests.

A picture is chosen

I liked computer things. In fact I've laways been great at them. There's a story my dad likes to tell of when I was 4 years old I could operate Windows 95 and get online to my favorite little game site.
So computers. Cool. That's actually as far as I got with the personalization stuff. I then kinda looked up "World with numbers" on Google and found the profile picture I put above. Since then the image has been taken down. I've never been able to find it aside from my downloaded copy and the one my profile picture on Google+ (Rest In Peace).
So June 13, 2014 happened. I registered the same name I use today on Steam with this profile picture and username. I'm still pretty proud of myself with that descision. It's served me for the, gee is that really 5½ years I've been online? From Steam, to Google+ (my Google+ name is Dr. Wonnagyst tho because orange_man_from "isn't a name". Ok, yeah sure Google+ tell me what kind of username I'm alowed to have when I sign up), to FanFiction, DeviantArt, probably if I ever get a Netflix subscription, and finally on the list of places I remember signing up on: Canterlot Avenue.
It's been a fun 11 months here on CA. I might link here when I make a "1 year on CA" blog. Remind me if I don't.
"Well orange_man" I hear nobody say yet I ask rhetorically so I can transition into my next line of thinking. "if you're soooo happy with your username why are you changing it?" Well I'm glad I smoothly transitioned into the next topic, because that's the thing. People haven't historically been happy with seeing this globe and color-related name on CA. I still get people unaware of the fact that I even roleplay and surprised that I do, even though taking a single glance at my cover photo alone would tell you I've got some OCs that I paid good money to have art of. Looking at my bio hopefully reveals that I've got a passion for this bit and my charcters are real and fun to interact with. Funny trivia, when I first joined I was on the moderator watch list because my look was admittedly peculiar. :joy: Not gonna say which moderator told me that :eyes: You're free to oust yourselves.
Well now my transition is sloppy. But here we are today regardless! Look at my boy! My cheeky brown stallion boy!

The stallion is chosen

Chiller Sway is actually a good choice for my profile identity. He is my ponysona after all and I'm having fun revisiting him. I tried to leave him, Seafoam Wake, and Lemon Breeze behind 11 months ago when I joined this site. I had just come off the heels of a multi-year roleplay with one of my best friends and was looking for new and fun roleplay! Several months ago however, I got art of him with my original trio, and by golly the artist did such a fantastic job. Look at this dude! I had the same artists draw him again! Doesn't he look so good? Yes he does. I wanna pet those pony ears and scruff his cute pony neck and squish around his pony face!
However I didn't get the art of him done then made into my profile picture. While that is a handsome mug and heckin' swuave look it just wasn't profile picture material, even if I removed the background and the other two characters from the piece. But I do remember one person in particular saying that I should. Instead of having the globe and referencing art I've commissioned every time I want someone to know who I'm playing as, just make Sway my identity and start on the right foot instead. I've gotta say, that time it was said it stuck with me.
It also helps that I've really enjoyed roleplaying as him again and want to make a new arc for his character once I stop procrastinating. He's a cool dude at this point, strong, understanding, got a good voice and sense of morality. I just feel good these days roleplaying as him in a way that I haven't felt since me and my friend were just getting our roleplay up in the air. I encourage you to try with Sway, maybe you'll like him.
So, after deliberation (and deleting a poll) I made up my mind, commissioned the same artist for a bust of Chiller Sway, and sat down writing this beautiful, way-too-long, probably-has-a-typo-in-there-and-a-set-of-these-[]-signaling-an-edit-I-should-have-made-but-I-did-it-baby blog/friendship letter thing I've published today. Share it if you love me, you read it so that at least means you care, and if you didn't make it this far I don't really blame you. I wouldn't read this either except to edit. But now I've told the story of how orange_man_from changed his username, and why he did it too. Really, thank you to all of you friends who listened 'till the end here. Leave a comment on how you feel about this transition, because this blog will stay up as a history piece on my profile and the random blogs.
If you read anything in here and felt your name should be mentioned, send me a DM and I'd be happy to edit you in to your rightful spot. Just didn't want to name drop anyone, hehe, silly Sway.
3 people like this.
Eyyyy, it’s Shen’s adopted dad!
Like September 30, 2019
Chiller Sway
Yay! Hi admin of Shen! I have a new form at last!
Like September 30, 2019
Like September 30, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
orange_man_from has been replaced by an orange hors this is no mere coincidence
Like September 30, 2019
Chiller Sway
Sway clicks a radio nearby. "Keep an eye on this one. She might cause trouble soon." He releases the radio transmitter, looking down at his coat. "I'm not that orange, am I?" He hears static in his transmitter as the voice responds to him. "Yeah, uh, come to think of it, you kinda do boss." He picks... View More
Like September 30, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Orange: makes himself a Ponysona also Orange: doesn't use it as his main account for a while :P
Like September 30, 2019 Edited
Chiller Sway
Also orange: attempts to distance himself from ponysona when first joining
Like September 30, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Like September 30, 2019
//Bap horse is bap horse. Bap Bap. Also don't forget i was the first to get the new signature that was to be the current one for this special username we all know and recognize
Like February 18, 2025