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The Outsider
by on August 11, 2020
// Decided to look into my unpublished lore posts and found this. Did some rework, but I haven't written something propper in a while, so bear with me. Very short one as well, which is good.
"Those that close themselves off are the ones in the most need of affection." The chloromancer read out loud, the dull blue eyes focusing on those words. He stared at them for a while before setting the book over the desk and pushing it aside. "Huh. Any thoughts, darling?" He asked, the focus shifting over to the silver rose wrapped around his wrist. The delicate ruby bud turned to meet his gaze, giving out a silent response that scratched the edges of the mind.
With a soft sigh, Zerathur rested his back against the chair. "You've got a fair point... Here I am, sitting in my bedroom, talking with a flower that bears the memories of a long-dead lover." For once, the pain that usually clouded his mind didn't come. That's because he wasn't forcing out thoughts, but rather, allowing those that were bottled to break free. At least for the time being. "The only friends I have are the plants I created, all of them named after those lost along the way. And no matter how much I try to reach out..."
There was a pause, broken shortly after by a quiet sob. "I shouldn't even be here, Astria. But I am. And I don't want that. I don't want to be alive, but I don't want to die either. Not again." The protoss curled up on his seat and tilted a bit to the side, the eyes focusing on the boarded-up window. "I... The weakest of you all. I'm still here." And there he stayed, allowing the worried voice of his tiny telepathic friend and the tears that rolled down the cheeks to lull him into sleep.
Topics: #loregang
7 people like this.
Ephemeria Spring
Like August 11, 2020
The Outsider
Like August 12, 2020
Bright Brave
Like August 11, 2020
The Outsider
Like August 12, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
can someone give my poor, sad horseband 2 a hug please
Like August 11, 2020
The Outsider
Like August 12, 2020
Spirit Weaver
is this..... gang shit..... in my 1:15 am face? oh boy i can't wait to remember how illiterate I am
Like August 12, 2020
The Outsider
Shhh, 'tis fine, you're great. >3> This is a short one as well, hence why it was originally sacked, but! Hope you enjoy.
Like August 12, 2020
Spirit Weaver
That was some.gang shit and Also He And Spirit Are Besties Now
Like August 12, 2020