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The Outsider
by on February 7, 2021
World lore, anyone? Because you know, universe building is the only thing I'm somewhat okay at? Right, right, so, I did this thing a while ago and said I was going to update that one specific blog as I came across old bits of lore in the Dreams of Lothlorien folder. But! I'm lazy and am currently sleep-deprived (Not a good combination to even write in the first place), so now you have an entirely new blog about the exact same thing.
More on psionics (There was another piece on it on the last one, but there's always more to cover when it comes to brand new 'magic' systems)
There are many types of energy floating freely in the world, produced by the very existence of non-magical creatures. From these energies, Psionic-born and Infused folk alike are capable of wielding only six, we'll talk about 'em soon. When a psyker is born/made, one of these six energy signatures becomes more integrated with the body than others. And so, that energy type kind of becomes their speciality, you know? Casting spells that fall under their spectrum will be much easier and require less energy, while spells outside of your specialty need to be re-written to accept your energies, prepared carefully through infusing rituals and will usually take a bunch more from your inner reserves. This makes it so there are... Six classes to choose from if your character is ever Infused.
Chloromancy - A chloromancer is one who can extend their energies to plant-like beings and read through their thoughts. They have an easy time asking plants to help with what they might need, such as pointing directions and whatnot. Their spells usually involve plant-based materials, like leaves, fruits, bits of bark. Especially strong chloromancers are known for infusing plants with more energy than they usually produce, giving them the ability to move around more freely.
Technomancy - Technomancers are extra skilled with stone and metals, usually replacing parts of their bodies with those elements for better functioning. Their psionic energy is commonly used to boost their thinking power and whatever bionics they end up installing on their bodies, mostly taking roles in the scientific fields and... Whatever else that requires not being absolute monke brained. They don't have much in the way of spells, but can mold metals to their will.
Biomancy - Biomancers are expert in living material and able to mold their body as they wish. Like a Chloromancer, they can extend their energy out and communicate with lesser beings, with the twist that they can only do so with actual creatures (Like squirrels, ants, things with a brain for a brain). Their spells can mutate in many ways their own body or those around them as they will.
Necromancy - Exactly what you'd expect. It is not shunned, surprisingly enough, because Necromancers are pretty much just very late healers. Oh, and they also have great healing spells because of that. Necromancy can't bring someone from the dead as they were before, but can keep someone who recently died working for a while longer, at least until they can get proper medical attention.
Kelvinism - Manipulation of the temperature. Kelvinists have the ability to make ice grow from the humidity of the air, or spark a flame from nowhere. You know, the normal kind of "magic" from most RPGs, like fireball and ice storm.
Stormshaping - The ability to control the weather as you wish. Want to make it sunny all the time? Sure! Want to make it snow during summer? Okay! Their spells are usually based on weather and its effects. This is usually regarded as the most useless of the energies, one born or made into a stormshaper is usually subject of jokes and bullying. Sorry kid, I don't make the rules, it is what it is.
(There's also Dimensionalism, but that's a secret, so don't tell this to anyone or I'll bite yer shoulder blades off.)
Imagine, right, imagine I am one of those cool artists that can create wonderful art (Like most folk in this site), and that I have drawn a very cool transition card showing each energy signature and its like.. Symbol or something. Imagined? Good, now replace this bit of text with the image on your head then head to the hospital, because I'm boutta tell you, yer sanity ain't doing so hot if you can imagine Waste being a good artist.
Soulgems and how to bring someone back to life
Have you ever lost someone you really cared for, and wanted to revive them from their grave without them being a walking pile of bones? Well, too bad, because that ain't happening. Well, unless you are the luckiest person in the world or really, really work up for it, because! There exists one kind of artifact capable of ressurrection. The Soulgem, or whatever you want to call it, is a small crystalline orb created at the very heart of the first tree to've ever grown in a forest or groove, and it is shattered the moment the tree receives any kind of deliberate harm from a sentient being, growing in a different tree or vanishing completely if the whole forest is cut down. The only way to get this artifact is by earning it from Nature itself (Good luck finding out how to please Nature), but as using it will cause the entire forest to grow lifeless, selfless folk are less tempted on taking the crystal as to not trade a single life for many.
Got the opportunity to use one? Well you lucky bleeder! There's no written manual on how to use the bloody thing, but there is a bit of a voice scratching the back of your mind, and it tells you that it is time to go around town. Because! To revive someone, you must carry this soulgem to every place that the now-dead important fellow has been to. Houses, parks, schools, café's, less-kind-places, wherever they have treaded you must go to as well. Getting the gem was a challenge, sure, but would it be fun if that was just it? No it wouldn't, I tell you. But once that is done, you can go back to the graveyard and dig up that ol' pile of bones, placing the crystal inside of the skull. In the following month, flesh, organs and skin will grow back to place, wounds will be completely repaired and any physical, magical or psionic disease will fade away as if it had never existed in the first place. Some conditions such as bad back might fade away too, who knows... Eurgh, can anyone bring me one of these gems? Kind of need it, now that I think of it, my back be h u r t i n'.
Sooner rather than later, the heart starts to beat once more and blood runs through the meatcase. Thing is, that pony is still very weak and frail, the body having just returned to a point of "Working". A few symptoms such as temporary blindness, pain everywhere, utter confusion and severe hunger are to be expected.
Space! It is kind of empty. And dead. Dead Space? Sure! Necromorphs? Eh, not really. But there are ruins out there! Lots of 'em, in fact. And a planet-wide aurora that covers one of those ruined worlds. Through colors, it sings a silent song about the history of the world it resides in, a song about how life came to suddenly burst out of the oceans and proliferate over the lands, a song about how technology came to be, and how it killed all life, leaving it lonely once more. The protoss had plans on colonizing this ruined world just for the sake of giving company to this solitary sentient aurora, but they were wiped out by the Zerg just as they were ready to send out the first cruiser. Oh well, guess the aurora will continue to sing its silent song about loneliness until the planet it resides in fades to dust.
Topics: #loregang