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Lord Somber
by on January 27, 2022
Continuation of Part 3
Artemis wasn't exactly sure what the correct process in collecting his current thoughts should be. So much had already happened during his path towards a mountain in the distance. A mountain in this Dark World that was said to hold a Castle at its peak. He knew in order to get there from his current path required him to cross through a forest. Something that wasn't simple on paper or in action it seemed. He had been derailed by the possibility of dangerous creatures hunting in packs. Being unfamiliar with that land, this had decided his current path. This involved following a young deer through the thicker parts of the woods. Each step was met with caution by the King as each step from the young deer was made careless and free. No doubt the young one was familiar as to where he was going. All the King could do was follow, being lead to what was said to be a village deeper into the forest.
'To think I'm being led to safety by some kid.' The King would think to himself as he followed his path behind the deer. ' is better to follow one that is familiar. Getting lost will only ensure my death....Death. That young deer is dead. To think that young one fell victim to a Arcane death, sending the spirit to this world....'
'Suppose the afterlife isn't some form a fiction as some would suspect. belief in life beyond death has always been in the realm of definite.'
'If that young deer is indeed dead, born into this dark realm? Other creatures here most likely have shared the same fate. Exposed and killed by Arcane ways. Magics, rituals, enchantments. To think that such a place existed as a connection to my world. But....if Arcane is key? Aren't I, Myself, destined to be of this place? When I pass on in life...won't I end up here?.....'
The King was shaken from his current thoughts, looking in the direction of the deer that was calling for him. "Eh? Oh..sorry Kid. Was deep in thought for a moment or two." He apologized as he would catch himself up. In front of him seemed to be the reveal of a village. Nothing large, but not a small community. Wooden shacks seemed to sit below and above the trees, multiple ones high up being connected by rope bridges it seemed. It was a legit forest village. Just as the kid described. Buildings, a stream seeming to run down its middle, rope bridges between trees, and light sources for the eternal night around them.
"Welcome to Mama's village!" The young one spoke with excitement before he ran off to go wherever he needed to be. Possibly to this Mama he had been mentioning. A possible Monarch to the village. A Mother of sorts to all that were there. And a lot of individuals there were. From what the King could see? Deer, similar to the kid, griffons, wild cats of some sort, reptiles of other sorts. A lot of animals. Too many, but not that many to run through. All very recognizable by appearance, except they all seemed different towards his realm's versions. Each creature present at the village seemed darker, more evil looking. However, these were just looks. They were acting friendly towards one another after all. Chatting, doing forms of labor, playing. A very alive village with creatures that looked of evil. His guess towards their appearance? Exposure to the Arcane magics around them, in the air.
Artemis took a moment to mentally take note of all this, soon descending into the village in order to find this 'Mama'. During his pathing into the village, he began to get a lot of stares. None seemed hostile, but more so curious. Almost as if he was a unique creature. Perhaps he was? Were many alicorns even seen around here? There was doubt of that being the case. And it seemed to show as more and more creatures seemed to only stare, whispering to one another with intrigue. His current perspective was halted as he ended up standing in front of a certain wooden shack. It would seem more appropriate to refer to it as a cabin however, seeming to be built of a stronger structure compared to other living arrangements nearby. In front of the door stood two Griffons, large and threatening looking. Guards out front, more noticeable building? This must have been the Village leader's home.
" home?" Artemis asked with caution in his words. Words that seemed to be the correct words as the Griffons would nod, allowing him to pass by inside. The King gave a bow of gratitude as he accepted the invitation, going inside the cabin to see of what this leader was about.
Upon entering? It was clear that the cabin was the base of operations towards the village's safety. Maps and papers scattered on the walls showing layouts of the land around them. Notes of repairing traps. Drawings of walls on display. Inside the cabin seemed to also be wooden makeshift tables. All of them seemed piled with more papers, as well as food and drinks. "A visitor...all the way out here in this forest? What a rare sight to see." The King would turn his head to the center of the cabin. Sitting upon a makeshift throne of sorts was another Griffon. A female. One that was a sleek black, almost raven or crow like. In a way, reminded him of a friend he knew. However, this griffon seemed to hold a gold necklace as well as shackles to her talons. And her tail seemed to have a stream of purple on the ends of it. "My~ Not just any visitor. An Alicorn. A handsome one at that. What an gorgeous mane you possess."
"I'm assuming you are the one they call 'Mama'?" The King spoke, seeming to brush off the compliment given to him. The Griffon in turn seemed to get up from her throne, walking her way over to him, circling him for a moment or so.
"Mama is what I'm referred to as, yes." She spoke calmly with a smile. "What a strange day to see an Alicorn in our presence. Especially since the Moon hasn't birthed new blood into the land yet. We still have four turns until the moon has its Arcane Fall. Are you perhaps lost? Or....are you looking for something? Perhaps a place to stay. Company to have. Loving company?~ I have some girls that have never seen an Alicorn. Would you like to be introduced?~"
"No, Ma'am. I'm taken. In fact....I'm not even from here."
"No creature is from here, Sweetie. All that who are here? Well they were forced to be birthed here~ You may not be from here, but you're here now. This is your new home. I understand that it is hard to accept. But you'll grow use to it. It's hard to be dead."
"Right...Mama. I don't think you have the right idea. You see...I'm not dead. Actually, I'm far from dead. I'm only a thousand and thirty two. Still in some form of young years for Alicorns. I'm actually a visitor. A visitor from...the living world. I ...well I have access to traveling to this land." The King would speak these things, explaining as to how he got here. During this time, Mama could only stare in wonder. "I'm a being of Arcane. I am able to open a portal that travels to this land. This Dimension of Darkness. I'm from the realm of the living."
" aren't dead? Just a visitor from another world?" Mama would ask as the King would give a solid, confirming nod. "Well....that sure has blew expectations out of my waters. To think...a living being in my village. Suppose this world has room to surprise me."
"This isn't causing trouble is it?"
"It's more of a surprise then trouble, Sweetie. must be the individual the Guardians have been discussing."
"Guardians? I've already met one. A bat creature of sorts."
"You've met him? How fortunate for you." Mama spoke with smile as she continued on. "He's known as the more...pushover of the Guardians. Rumor around the land is that two of the higher Guardians had been killed by some Arcane Spirit that visits from time to time. This caused a increase in creatures being recruited as new guardians. Such a pity. Being a Guardian is a fate I wouldn't choose for my worst enemy...."
"Really? By the sounds of it, you describe it has being a promotion of sorts."
"A promotion that strips you of your freedom. Being a guardian means you play the role of Authority. Authority that aims to control the Land. Setting guidelines. Guidelines that are less about keeping the land clean and more about keeping the land powerful. Any threat they see as more powerful then themselves? They kill. Any herd, pack, or swarm they see as growing stronger? They take out. They desire to keep the land weak, keeping control of all." Mama spoke with a voice of annoyance, as well as hinted anger. "Anyways....let's not discuss guardians. Let us discuss you. What brings you to my forest?"
"I seek to just find the end of this forest is all. I seek to reach the base of the nearby mountain. I've heard of a Castle at its peak." The King answered as Mama listened.
"That ancient Castle at the peak? How odd. No creature dares to go there. All except the Guardians. Are you sure that is a place you want to go?"
"It would seem so of me being sure. My thirst and curiosity for knowledge is weighing heavy. I must attempt to reach the top. Explore what needs to be explored. Learn more about this world I find myself in. A selfish and sinful desire. But, one that I'm more then willing to pursue." The King answered, a grin seeming to appear along his face. Mama could only shake her head with a soft, motherly smile.
"Males will be males it seems. Well....the south exit of this village will lead you on the right path to exit the forest towards the mountain. It's not the shortest route, but it is the safest. Perhaps it'd be wise for you to stay for food. Refuel as they call it. We have a delicious gathering of fruit for you if you so wish....Mr.....?"
"Oh...right! My manners had slipped." The King couldn't believe he had forgot to introduce himself. Such a shameful act. How pitiful. "King Artemis Luminous. In your lovely presence." He smiled as Mama seemed to only stare. Staring at him hard. Almost coldly which was nothing like how she was acting a second ago. "I'm known as the current King in a Land called Equestria. The Dark King as some say. Master of all things Arcane. Dark Ruler of the living..."
"Nightmare Moon....."
"Nightmare Mo...." The King seemed to pause in his introduction, staring at the griffon with confusion. "Nightmare Moon. Where did you hear that name?"
"Oh~ I've known that name for awhile. I just didn't recognize that it was you. You looked so different from what I remember."
"We've met?"
"Well not really met. You were too busy wiping out my village and myself when I was alive~"
To Be Continued.......
Post in: Lore
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Lord Somber
I just now realized I didn't add a picture to this. Eh oh well. I'm sure the image will pop in to the readers head easily.
Like January 27, 2022