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Asuka Yakushi
by on December 20, 2023
February, 2018, Vanhoover.
Ever since they'd moved to Vanhoover, Thursdays had always been band practice days for Attack on Mango. It was the only night where everyone's schedules happened to align, so it was practically mandatory they practice during it. Though, Roy was the only one who really cared about that.
Asuka had just finished her last class for the day, and Roy had shown up at her dorm to walk her to practice. Ruby was out of town for the week, so she wouldn't be attending practice tonight, but that was fine. Ruby was pretty good regardless of how little practice she actually put in.
If Asuka was being honest, she really didn't want to go to band practice tonight. Much for the same reasons she'd stopped doing a lot of things that she used to. Her schoolwork was just getting to be too much, and she'd much rather spend her free time running errands, or studying than wasting time. It's not like they were ever going to go big, so why did they need to practice every week?
Her schoolwork was also starting to seriously affect her relationship with Roy too. It wasn't hard for her to see either. It'd been months since the two had been intimate, or done much more than hug for half a second, and it was clearly upsetting Roy. He'd always been very physically affectionate. He had a hard time coming up with words to express himself, so physical affection was usually his way of saying "I love you." At least, that's what he told Asuka when they talked about it a few weeks ago. Asuka didn't mind the lack of physical affection too much. A hug here and there was all she really needed, but it simply wasn't enough for Roy.
While the two are a few blocks from Nar and Juno's apartment, Roy stops Asuka, with her between himself, and a brick wall. He gave her enough space, but he could close that distance in an instant if he wanted. This was a little unusual for Asuka. Roy usually didn't stop for ANYTHING when it came to getting to practice on time. Much less did he stop Asuka to talk.
"Look, Asuka." He begins. Already, Asuka can tell he's nervous. His tone, and stance give it away. "I know we talked about this a while ago, but I'm really unhappy with how little we really do together these days. It feels like we barely do much more than talk most days now." Not entirely untrue. They did hold hands when they walked together, but it has been a while since they'd done much more. It's not like Asuka didn't want to. She was just too busy to spend a lot of time with Roy these days. Still, that didn't invalidate his concerns. "I know Roy, and I'm sorry. My schoolwork is just getting harder, and harder, and I have to spend most of my free time studying. My grandmother is paying for my tuition, and I can't let her money go to waste. I have to pass, and get certified. It'll only take me another year. I promise when I get a break, I'll come over, and we can spend as much time together as you want."
Despite her words, Roy does not appear to be appeased whatsoever. "You said that months ago, before the fall break, and you spent that studying. Then you went back to Ponyville for Hearth's Warming." Only for a week, out of the three she'd had for the break. "But I was back for two weeks." "And you knew I wasn't going to be free during those weeks." Technically, no, she didn't know he'd be busy until after she'd already left for Ponyville. "Roy, I-." She's cut off as Roy lets out an exasperated groan. "I don't want excuses Asuka! I just want you to love me!" Roy's hand suddenly slamming into the wall next to Asuka startles her. He's suddenly far too close to her for comfort. She tries to speak, but the shock lowers her voice to little more than a whisper. "Roy-." He tries to cut her off by leaning in for a kiss.
With a sudden burst of strength, Asuka shoves Roy away from her. For a few moments, the two simply stare at each other in silence. Then, Asuka turns, and begins to speedwalk towards the apartment. "Asuka. I'm sorry, I-." Roy can't get the rest of his words out in time. Asuka is already too far down the street. He ends up stood on the sidewalk, contemplating what he'd just done as Asuka disappears into the apartment down the road.
Before Asuka can even fully close the door, her brother is already right in front of her. His brother senses clearly are tingling. "Hey Sock. Thought Roy was supposed to be coming with you today." He usual, tired, but cheery tone is replaced by one of uncertainty. "Oh. He'll be here soon. He just... Needed to tie his shoes." Bullcrap, and Nar knew it. He didn't even need to ask to know she was uncomfortable. The two step further into the apartment, and Nar opens his mouth to speak again, but is cut off by Roy entering through the front door. All he says is a simple "Hey." Nar gives a look to Juno, and they share a barely perceptible nod. Nar then claps Asuka's shoulder with a smile. "Oh yeah, Asuka. Remember that thing you asked me to find for you? I wasn't able to find it myself, but you said it was in the bathroom, right? Wanna help me look for it?" A clear attempt to get Asuka somewhere private. When Roy tries to interject, Juno steps in to ask him a question about his guitar. Then, Asuka is whisked away into the tiny bathroom, and the door is closed behind her.
"Alright." Nar begins as he turns back towards her. "What happened?" No point in hiding it. Nar already knows something is wrong, and he'll find out what one way or another. Asuka heaves a sigh before responding. "Well... On our way over here, Roy and I got into a small argument." She stops to gauge Nar's response. All she gets is the same, serious stare he'd given her when she'd first arrived. "And after a bit, he tried to press me against a wall, and-" She can see anger quickly rising in Nar's eyes. She opens her mouth to speak, but the words won't come out. "And?"
"And he tried to force me to kiss him."
"So. He tried to force himself on you." Nar's tone is low, and filled with a cold rage. "Well... Not exactly-" Asuka is cut off as her brother gently clasps her hand. "Asuka. Did he make you feel uncomfortable?" She can feel tears welling up in her eyes. Instead of words, she responds with a nod. Maybe it would have been best if she'd just kept this all to herself. Nar looked as though he was seriously considering murder. "Asuka. Stay in here. Don't come out until I come to get you." As Nar turns to leave the bathroom, Asuka tries to call out to him, but the words seem to choke her throat.
Nar exits the bathroom, but she can hear the conversation afterwards almost perfectly.
"Roy. Get the fuck out of our apartment."
"What? Why?!"
"You know damn well why."
"I didn't do anything!"
"Fucking prick, you tried to force yourself on my sister!"
There's a few seconds of silence.
"Now get out of our apartment! And if I ever see you around my sister again, I'll beat the everloving hell out of you."
Then, Asuka hears a door open, and slam shut. A few seconds later, the bathroom door opens, and Nar steps in, instantly wrapping her in a hug.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I promise you'll never have to see him again if you don't want to."
Warm tears begin to stream down Asuka's face, but she only manages a single, gasping inhale before her face is stuffed into her brother's chest. There, Asuka sobs. She sobs until her cheeks are stained with tears, and her eyes begin to burn from the heat. She sobs until the tears can no longer well in her eyes, and the last of her energy fades. As she passes into unconsciousness, she's helped out of the bathroom, and her brother gingerly lays her on the mattress he and Juno use as a bed. Then, the two stand watch as Asuka  gets the first restful sleep she's had in months.
Post in: Lore
Topics: break up
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