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by on January 10, 2024
maybe NPC isn't the best term but these are all characters i use in roleplays who aren't Spourt but are related in some way to Spourt
Feathers, aside from her role in the Horde, is one of Spinneret's closest friends.  her affection for the changeling often leads to her being mistaken for a pet, much to her chagrin.  still, she's willing to set aside her pride for the sake of a cover story.  sometimes Spinneret translates for her; other times, she simply refuses to.
Pedipalp is Spinneret's broodmate, whom she affectionately refers to as "big bro".  let it be known, they were part of the same brood.  back in the hive, he always tried his best to set a good example for Spinneret, only to fail due to her unwavering loyalty for Queen Chrysalis.  he was more of a worker than a drone, having to guard the prisoners in the hive's mess hall.  this is how he met Red, his partner.  Pedipalp was always interested in hippogriffs.  in the present, he and Red live at Mt Aris with their son Pandion.  he occasionally sends Spinneret money, and he always insists that she join family activities.
Sunset Reds
Sunset Reds, birth name irrelevant, is Spinneret's sibling-in-law.  an Appleloosan who ran away from home at a young age, they found themself joining the infamous Sunset Gang.  of course, as the new member, they were also cannon fodder.  Red was rarely, if ever, treated well by their fellow gang members, but as far as they were concerned, it was better than living with their family.  then, in a changeling raid on the town, they were taken in as a prisoner under the assumption that nopony would miss them.  this is how they met Pedipalp, their boyfriend.  they were initially apprehensive towards Spinneret, but they've warmed up enough to her that she's basically their sister and is treated like such.  they can and will kick your ass.
Pandion is Spinneret's nephew.  adopted by Pedipalp and Red at age 9, he's normally cheerful and outgoing.  his favorite things include his parents, ice cream, and whatever the trendy new battle toy is.  his least favorite things are homework, bullies, and vampires ("If I met one then they'd turn me into a vampire and that would just be inconvenient").  he's always happy to see his Aunt Spinneret, mainly because she always takes him out places and he can make more friends.
Coxa & Aphid
Spinneret's parents, whether they like it or not.  prior to Thorax's rise to power, Aphid was a regular drone, while Coxa stayed in the hive to teach nymphs information they'd need to know for disguising.  Coxa happened to be Spinneret's teacher, meaning you can no longer make fun of her for those times she accidentally called her "mom".  while Aphid is fairly accepting of his daughter's lifestyle ("Can't say I understand it, but as long as there's no missing ponies cases in Ponyville, it's none of my business"), whereas Coxa is still adjusting to this information.  they also like to dote on their grandson whenever he visits, and Red always enjoys Coxa's cooking.
one of Spinneret's old friends from back in the old hive, whom she affectionately refers to as "Proce".  Proce, in turn, refers to her as "'Ret".  Prosoma's most striking attribute is her dialect, being that of a surfer for some reason.  it must be stressed that she has never seen the ocean.  she can commonly be found wandering about the ever-growing Changeling Kingdom, always eager to lend an ear (or the changeling equivalent) to anycreature in need.  despite Spinneret deserting the hive several years ago, as well as the loss of her broodmate Ommatidium during the invasion of Canterlot, she maintains her cheery disposition (several Feelings Fora really helped her out).
a changeling with a peculiar trait: namely, she developed a stinger after shedding her newborn exoskeleton.  not much use in the hive, but it came in handy during missions.  post-metamorphosis, she owns the Honeybee Gamer Hive, a games store filled to the brim with board games, tabletop RPGs, wargame miniatures, TCG booster packs...anything and everything you need for your next game night!  she was always sorta mean to Spinneret back in the hive, but don't let that dissuade you from giving ol' Phil a visit!
let's say, through a taboo spell or necromancy or any other means, you manage to revive Spinneret's own Lost Lenore.  you have now unlocked Elly, Spins' closest friend and first crush!  (i saw how many of you got that wrong on the quiz, so i'm putting it here.  future quiz-takers have no excuse now.)  much like Prosoma, Elly has a little Californian (Coltifornian?) in her, talking like a valley girl.  she is, understandably, a bit confused about the modern world -- a lot can change in six years, after all.  and even after death, she still reciprocates Spinneret's feelings for her.
Rain Check
an anime figurine Spinneret bought at a comic shop.  she is a normal regular immobile figurine.  she is not at all romantically fixated on Spinneret, because she is not secretly alive.  being an inanimate object, she harbors no ill will towards Spinneret's friends, family, or partners.  Aperture Science would like to remind you that Rain Check will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.  unless you're cool with that concept, in which case, disregard all previous statements.
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