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by on February 18, 2024
i've already posted these on tumblr but nobody should ever follow me on tumblr so i'll put them here
  • they gain the physical abilities of whatever they change into, but not the magical abilities (eg if they change into a fish they can breathe underwater, but if they change into a pegasus they can't cloudwalk)
  • the only unicorn magic most changelings can use is levitation. Queens can learn other spells.
  • related to the above two, changeling flight isn't magic like pegasus magic, but purely physical
  • they can't change single parts of their bodies, but they CAN change into versions of themselves with those parts different (eg they can't change a mustache onto their face, but they can change into themselves with a mustache)
  • there have been Queens other than Chrysalis, but noling knows what happens to them. some say she kills them at birth, others say she just rips off their manes so noling can tell they're Queens. though rumors abound about one changeling in particular...
  • prisoners were kept in the old hive, with the dungeon also acting as the mess hall.
  • to prevent changelings from sharing love among each other, prospective mates had to ensure that they absolutely DESPISE each other before being allowed to mate. some modern changelings continue this tradition by engaging in "prank wars" with their partners. something something nature of humanity.
  • color motifs (eg the typical blue or Pharynx's purple) had zero significance in hive society.
  • changelings are ectothermic. please cuddle your changeling partner during the winter.
  • FIENDship is Magic is canon (the original changelings were accidentally released by Starswirl, Celestia blasted them so hard that holes became a permanent part of their physiology).
  • different types of love have different flavors (eg, romance is exceedingly sweet, lust is somewhat spicy).
  • changelings can sense the presence of love, but not who the feelings are for. so no, your changeling crush doesn't know about your feelings, though they might be a bit suspicious that they constantly smell romance from you.
  • several changelings still have a distrust towards Equestria and the Crystal Empire, due to suffering many casualties after the wedding. many were gravely injured in the battle, and the fall from Canterlot finished them off.
  • in the hive, it was generally considered weird to have any attachment to their broodmates. most of them did, though.
  • old changeling horror movies have been banned from reshowings in Equestrian and Imperial movie theaters, much to the chagrin of several changelings.
  • there are many changelings who did not go through the mass metamorphosis, while also not remaining loyal to Chrysalis. they stay in hiding, due to not being generally accepted in any society.
  • the aforementioned changelings hate the terms "reformed" and "unreformed", viewing them as unnecessary moral judgments.
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