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Dusty Trails
by on March 2, 2024
Being a town on the Equestrian Frontier, Appaloosa was home to folks from all walks of life. From hard working farmers, and cowboys, to rich businessmen who lived surprisingly lavish lifestyles in such a small, dusty town. Despite this, almost everyone was as friendly, and welcoming as could be. Though, with the town being so secluded, trouble was bound to pop up every now and then.
This afternoon, Dusty is making his rounds. Checking on the townsfolk, and gathering supplies for a coming trek north. A caravan is headed to Appaloosa from Canterlot, and Dusty will be a party of a security detail that will meet them halfway to escort them for their second leg of their journey. As he exits the general store, a few packs of rations heavier, he smiles, and waves to one of the employees who is counting inventory outside.
"Afternoon Elroy! That medicine helpin' ya any?"
The man beams back in response. "Sure is! I can't thank you enough Dusty! You were right when you said those doctors in Ponyville knew their stuff!" "Ain't seen you smile like this in a while! Glad we managed tah get yah up there!" The two men approach each other, as Dusty begins to open his arms for a hug.
Elroy instinctively ducks as a gunshot rings out from the other side of town. Another answers. Dusty spins on his heels, and unholsters his revolver. Without a second thought, he heads towards the sounds of gunfire with haste.
As Dusty approaches the train station, he spots two men, taking cover on opposite sides of the street. One, in a sharp, three piece suit, stands behind one of the train station's pillars, while the other, a local, crouches behind a wagon. The local sports a revolver, while the suited man carries what looks to be some sort of fancy new handgun. Dusty crouches behind a wagon which has been left in the street, about half a block from the two men.
"You no good city-slicker! You watch yer damn mouth!" The local shouts as he pops out of cover for a moment to shoot the pillar. His shot misses wide, and shatters one of the station's windows. The suited man responds with 3 shots from his gun, which dig into the wagon's wood. "I meant what I said, you hick! And I won't take it back!"
"Easy now boys!" Dusty shouts from behind his wagon. "Ain't nobody gotta die today!"
At this point, the sheriff, and two of his deputies arrive on the scene. They fan out, with one deputy covering each of the men, while the sheriff casually strolls into the middle of the open street. "Alright boys! Put the guns down, and come out with yer hands up!" After a brief moment, the two men comply.
Dusty emerges from his cover, and approaches the sheriff as a deputy places cuffs on the local. The sheriff goes to cuff the suited man, but he flashes something from within his coat, and the sheriff simply nods. "Sorry fer the trouble sir. Just try not tah rile up the locals durin' yer stay." The other deputy begins to question, but the sheriff simply turns him around. "We aught not tah bother the man. Ain't none of our business why he's here." The local begins to protest, but is quickly escorted away by the sheriff, and his deputies.
It's only then that Dusty approaches the suited man. He doesn't even say anything to Dusty. He simply opens his coat, and flashes a purple badge in the shape of a crescent moon. Hold on. Where has Dusty seen that before? He thinks it was the Dawn Ranger depot in Ponyville a few years back.
Oh. Now he remembers.
"Well well well. What's a Dusk Patrolman doing flashing his badge like that? Ain't you s'posed tah be undercover, pardner?" The man scoffs. He opens his mouth to speak, but his eyes seem to stop on Dusty's badge. "Look, Ranger. I've got important business here, and I don't have time to be dealing with rowdy rednecks." Dusty gives a shrug, and sidesteps to let the man pass. "Alrighty then bucko. Have it yer way." There's a pause as the man passes by before Dusty calls out. "May want tah get a different outfit there friend! Yer gonna draw a lot of attention lookin' like that!" The man simply shoots him a dirty glare before heading off towards the town's hotel.
Huh. Been a while since Dusty's seen a member of the Dusk Patrol. If they sent an agent here, that must mean they've got some sort of interest here. Ah well. No point in thinking much about it now. He's got more important things to worry about any
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