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Asuka Yakushi
by on August 12, 2024
9 PM, Vanhoover Central Park, Vanhoover Music Festival.
It's been a long, but fun day for the city of Vanhoover. With the music festival taking place throughout the day, artists and bands from all over the city have gotten the opportunity to make themselves known to the city at large. From RnB, to Techno, to Rock n Roll, and even Bluegrass. The festival boasted a large variety of genres for all the festivalgoers to enjoy. However, all things must come to an end sooner or later. Even then, with the end of the festival closing in, the crowd was now spilling out of Central Park, and into the nearby streets. It was time for the main event.
"Vanhoover!" A voice booms over the speakers in the park. The crowd responds with uproarious cheers. A mare in a glittering, sequin suit pops up onto the stage with a puff of blue smoke. The screens behind the stage switch to show a close up camera feed of her. The close up reveals her flowing, sparkling, blue, and purple hair, and makeup made to resemble the night sky. "I hope you all have had fun today! I know I have, but now it's time for the main act! Tonight, the top two bands in the city duke it out to fight for the spot of number 1! After the festival ends tonight, a poll will open on the Vanhoover Entertainment Network website, where you can vote for the winner! //I will actually be posting a poll on the site tomorrow for this.) Will Dragonautica snatch the top spot in their maws, or will Attack on Mango defend their spot, and their band?" 
Backstage, Attack on Mango stands to the side as Dragonautica make their way towards the stage. The four offer thumbs up, good luck wishes, and even a "Break a leg!" quickly followed by "Not literally!" In return, Dragonautica nod, and throw up rock horns, with confident grins on their faces. Except for Noxian. He appears to be allergic to the comradery being shown.
Back on stage, the lights focus in on the VEN host, allowing Dragonautica to set up while remaining unseen. While she lists out the festival's sponsors, the band checks their equipment, and confirms it's been properly set up. Once the sponsor reading is done, a nod is given, and the band readies themselves.
"Now! Without further adoo! The challengers, and number two band in the city! Dragonautica!"
With another puff of blue smoke, the host disappears underneath the stage.
A gout of fire erupts behind Dragonautica, creating a silhouette of the five dragons as they begin their song in earnest. The crowd erupts into a torrent of cheers, accompanied by clapping, whistling, and excited screaming. For the first 40 seconds of the song, the band remains largely still, shadowy silhouettes, back-dropped by a massive wall of flame. Then, as the vocals begin, the flames erupt, and die out, followed by lights illuminating the stage, and the band bursting into life. At the front of the stage, Ryuji leaps into the air, picking the microphone up with himself. He lands with a force that sends a circle of flame out from the point of impact. A wave of heat washes over the first two rows of the crowd. Thankfully, nobody catches fire. 
Behind, a now un-muzzeled Steeltrap whips his head in a circle while he hops back and forth in rhythm with the music. He unleashes an excited roar into the air, but it's drowned out by the noise of the music, and the roaring crowd. Sapphire dances with some back and forth movements, as if she were turning to look over her shoulder. Though, the movements are exaggerated, and look more like she's trying to crack her own back. Beside her, Noxian stands stock still. His eyes locked forward, and his the only movement on his body being his hands playing his bass.
Meanwhile, at the back of the stage, Wiggy hammers his drumset like a dragon possessed. With the energy only an adolescent white dragon could muster, he almost seems to jump around the drumset. He bounds from drum to drum, with each strike of his drumsticks being far too fast for what should be possible with how fast he's playing, and how high up he's lifting the sticks.
Backstage, Attack on Mango cheers their rivals on, accompanied by fist pumps, rock horns, and headbanging. Juno watches Steeltrap carefully while attempting to mimic his playing, only to quickly fall behind, and revert back to fist pumping. The speed at which these guys were playing was mind-boggling to him. He didn't think that even Asuka, the fastest of their band, could keep up with them.
Back on stage, the song reaches a solo. Sapphire strides to the front of the stage, and Ryuji steps back to allow her to take the spotlight. She leans back, then throws her upper half forward with a mighty stomp that sends small bolts of lightning flying into the air. From the crowd come cries of "Icon!", "Queen!". and even one "Mommy!" With near-unparalleled vigor, and speed, Sapphire shreds her solo. Along with any doubts of this battle being one-sided. Then, Sapphire falls back, and a bright mist of green acid is sprayed where she had just been standing. From behind, Steeltrap leaps onto the front of the stage, taking over the second part of the solo. With a stomp, he bends so far down that his head dips off the stage. He then opens his mouth, revealing bubbling acid to the front row of the crowd. He then roars, swiveling his head back and forth, before jumping back upright. A few pants in the front row are no longer dry.
When the solo finishes, Steeltrap steps back into position, and Ryuji strides back to the front of the stage.
With one last push, the band charges towards the end of their song. As they close in on the end, each member, save for Noxian, spreads their wings, and jumps into the air above the stage. With a spark from Ryuji, the 4 dragons then lift their heads aloft, pointed towards a spot centered above them. Flame bursts from Ryuji's mouth, accompanied by lightning from Sapphire, acid from Steeltrap, and snow from Wiggy. The four elements seem to mix, and form an iridescent cloud before bursting, and scattering glittering mist above the crowd. Then, with an unexpected grace, the four dragons land back on stage in time to play the last notes of their song.
The lights on the stage fade, and Dragonautica disappears into the shadows, leaving the crowd to admire their sparkling cloud of mist, and cheer for more.
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, battle, festival