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Asuka Yakushi
by on September 3, 2024
The Skyscraper that serves as the headquarters for Equestria's most prestigious record company, Royal Records, towers over the city of Canterlot. In size, it's only beat out by Canterlot Castle itself. At the base of what is essentially, the gothic spire Attack on Mango, and their agent prepare themselves. All morning, they've been giving each other pep talks, and re-assuring one another that they can do this. After Nar's speach on the jet yesterday, the band already has their mind made up. They're going to tell Royal Records where they can stick their contract. They're doing this on their own.
As Juno steps into the spire, his confidence seems to evaporate. The lobby of the building is decorated in stunning, gothic architecture, with pictures of the labels bands, and their dozens of accolades plastered along the walls. He can't see an inch of space on the walls that isn't covered in gold, or platinum records. For a moment, he feels his knees begin to weaken. A firm hand claps him on the shoulder. Juno turns his head to meet the gaze of Nar, who gives him a resolute stare. The two share a nod, and Juno turns to head to the receptionist. She does not greet them. She merely looks up from her computer with a quizzical look. "Attack on Mango." Is his response. Gotta make sure he makes the band look strong, and cool. Show any weakness, and they'll pounce. The woman gives a nod, and presses a button on her desk. To their left, the wall parts, revealing an elevator hidden behind it. "Go on in. 20th floor." The band piles in, and begins their journey up to the meeting.
When the elevator finally comes to a stop, the band exits into a small room with plush, black chairs, and a sofa. At the back, two large, polished oak doors sit opened, revealing a lavish office inside. The band files into the office, and takes seats at the end of a large, wooden desk. Behind it, a large, leather chair sits, facing a large window that reveals Canterlot below. In the distance, the entirety of Canterlot Castle is visible. The chair spins, revealing a sharply dressed alicorn, wearing an ornately decorated pair of sunglasses, and sporting slicked back, navy blue hair, and a well groomed mustache. For a moment, confidence wavers again, but Asuka and Nar remain resolute.
When the man speaks, his voice is smooth, low, and refined. "Ah. Attack on Mango. We finally meet." Before any of the band can respond, he slides an old-timey piece of parchment on the table, alongside an ink pen, and ink bottle. "Just sign here, and your rise to national stardom is guaranteed." Damn. Trying for a power play right off the bat? What a cocky prick! Nar shifts forwards in his seat. "Thank you, but you said you wanted to meet with us, right? So how about we discuss some things first, before we get into signing a contract?" The alicorn raises an eyebrow. "Everything is covered in the contract. You'll find the terms... acceptable." Nar takes the parchment, and hands it to their agent so he can start reading over it. He then places his hands on the desk, and leans forward. "If you want us to sign a contract, we'll need to have some sort of negotiations." Nar opens his mouth to speak, but his confidence seems to waver. Asuka gives him a subtle thump on the back, and he takes a deep breath. "We know your game, and we're not going to play it. You want Attack on Mango in a contract? You've got to negotiate with us."
The alicorn's eyes go wide in shock. Such insolence! Nobody talks to him, an agent of Royal Records, like that! He clears his throat, and re-adjusts his tie before giving a response. "There will be no negotiations. You will sign the contract. Or you will leave." Nar shakes his head. "We'll hear what your contract has to offer." Behind him, Asuka stands up, and leans on the table. "And then we'll tell you RIGHT where you can shove it." The alicorn sneers, but does not respond. He allows the band to group together as Spot briefs them on the contract.
"This contract is a load of crap. They're signing you for an album, 5 shows in Canterlot, a tour, and a merch line. with no creative freedom, and an NDA so you can't reveal any details to the media. They'll own the rights to the album, and you get 5 mil up front, with 10% for all sales during the contract." That. That's a lot of money. Oh dear Artemis that's SO much money. Ruby and Juno share a look. "You know guys. We'd be multi-millionares if we signed this. Possibly billionaires." Across from him, Asuka shakes her head. "But, we'd be miserable. At the whims of a soulless record label that only cares about milking us for as much cash as possible." Nar nods in agreement. "Yeah. This is exactly what Roy wanted us to do. Do we really want to do something HE wanted for us?" Looks of disgust plaster the faces of the band. They all shake their heads. "Then I think it's safe to say, we're not signing this."
When the band turns back towards the alicorn, his face is a grimace. Asuka leans forwards, and locks eyes with him. "Like we said. We're not playing your game." She then takes the parchment, and slides it back over to the alicorn. "We're gonna do this on our own. You, and your label can find another band to milk for profits." The alicorn's grimace turns to a cold sneer. "Are you sure you want to ruin your careers like this?" That wasn't a warning. It was a threat. "We'll do this our way." Is the response.
The alicorn harrumphs, then waves his hand dismissively, and turns his chair back towards the window. "Then we've nothing more to discuss. Get out of my office." As the band gets up to leave, the alicorn makes one last comment.
"I look forward to seeing the tabloids reminiscing about the 'good old days' of your popularity. Lamenting your fall into obscurity."
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, meeting