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Asuka Yakushi
by on December 17, 2024
//Disclaimer: No, I did not actually write a song for this. I claim no ownership of the song used for this.
The music video begins with a 3 second roll of the production company's logo, then fades to black. White text then appears, showing a disclaimer.
"The stunts featured in this music video were done by an experienced professional with a permit to street skate. Attempting to re-create the stunts performed in this video could lead to injury, or jail time. Don't skate in the street kids. Stick to the skate park, and always wear a helmet."
When the music kicks in, the first shot of the video shows Nar speeding down a sidewalk on his roller blades from left to right. As he passes out of frame, the shot cuts to a low angle shot of him hopping onto a rail. The shot follows him through a grind, and cuts after he hops off the rail. For the next 10 seconds, the video cuts between Nar doing some sort of trick, and a shot of the whole band in a grungy garage surrounded by audio equipment, performing. The segment transitions by rapidly flashing between the two shots before focusing on Nar, as he grabs a light pole to help him make a tight turn around a street corner. The following shot follows Nar as he skates through Vanhoover from an over-the-shoulder angle.
The shot switches to a side view of him as he skates along a sidewalk, with a few grinds, and tricks along the way. Eventually, the camera's view is blocked by a brick wall, and transitions to a wide shot of the band in the garage again. Nar emerges from the left side of the shot, and gives himself a high five as he speeds past the bass playing Nar. The shot transitions to a front facing shot of a brick wall, which Nar appears to burst through while doing a judo grab (One leg out stretched, the other held behind him), landing  out of shot. The shot cuts to Nar skating downhill on a long road backdroped by various shops. Every few seconds, the shot cuts between the band performing, and Nar skating downhill. With each cut back to Nar, the camera is zoomed in a little more, eventually focused entirely on his face, which displays a wide, excited grin.
As the song nears it's end, the shot cuts again, now showing a low angle shot from slightly to the side of a big stone art piece. It shows Nar making it to the bottom of the hill, and approaching the art piece. He ramps the art piece, and the shot cuts to a wide shot, showing him flying through the air over a large modern art piece in a plaza. He begins to initiate a viking grab with a backflip. The shot cuts again to a close up of him flipping 3 times, cutting to a different angle for each flip. It then switches to a shot of Nar landing on another downhill road from a diagonal, above angle. Then it cuts one last time to behind Nar as he lifts his head back, and lets out an audible, adrenaline fueled "Woooohoooo!"
The video fades to black as it comes to an end.
Post in: Misc.
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"I will not be safe! That takes all the adrenaline away!" Whined a defiant Camille whom crossed her arms in annoyance. A bap across the head by Rosa quickly caused her to stand up straight and clear her throat. "I-I mean, the video was great, Aunty Asuka! Let Nar know!" She looked up at Rosa- who d... View More
Like December 17, 2024 Edited