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Dusty Trails
by on February 22, 2025
The mid-morning Appaloosan sun beats down on a lone zebra as he works to till one of the fields of his farm. Makabe and his family moved to the town after this farm was passed down to him by his grandfather around a year ago now. All things considered, they have a good life here. With the help of the locals, they've fixed up the farm, made plenty of new friends, and have become well known members of the town. His wife has started her own little business selling tinctures in the town, his farm makes enough money for the family to live comfortable, if modest lives, and his son recently got an apprenticeship under the local postman!
As Makabe tills the fields, he's wracked with worry. The postman, and his son never came back from their route yesterday, and it's been a while since Dusty, the local Dawn Ranger went out to find them. He's afraid they may have had some sort of accident, and might need help.
Makabe rises from his work, and wipes the sweat from his brow. It's then that he notices a figure atop a steed, making it's way down the road adjacent to his farm. When the gets closer, he recognizes it as Dusty. Makabe smiles as the ranger dismounts his steed. He's noticeably much quieter than usual, and the brim of his hat is tipped down to cover his eyes. Makabe lifts his hand in greeting as Dusty turns to grab something off of the back of his steed. "Dusty! I hope this means you have-" The world stops when Dusty turns back towards him.
There, in the rangers arms, is Makabe's son, Johnny. Limp, and lifeless. Makabe stares in shock, and horror for what feels like an eternity, only broken from his trance when he hears the door to the farmhouse open. "Oh! Hello Dusty!-" The voice of his wife, Zevana calls out. Makabe spins around, throwing his hands out in front of him. "Zevana, wait!" Zevana's eyes lock on her son. Her mouth hangs open, the words she had meant to say having been lost.
The air is filled with the most blood curdling scream Dusty has ever heard. In seconds, Zevana rushes over to Dusty, and swipes her son from his arms, pressing him tight to her chest.
Zevana's voice cracks as her trill cries, and screams of anguish fill the air. She falls to her knees, clutching her son tightly to her chest as she continues to scream his name. Makabe falls to his knees beside his wife. Tears stream down his face, yet he still focuses on comforting her. He wraps his arms around her, holding her, and their son as close to him as he can. She continues to scream, and sob into his chest. Her screams becoming more incoherent as she seems to completely break down.
Dusty's shadow moves, causing Makabe to look up at him
When Makabe looks up, Dusty is saddling his steed. Bewildered, the farmer barely manages to beg a question. "Wait! Dusty! Where are you going?!"
The ranger's head hangs low. His voice is low, and cold. "This ain't gonna go unpunished." Dusty spurs on his steed, and it begins their trek back to the town proper. Makabe, and Zevana are left to their grief, as Dusty's figure slowly disappears into the distance.
"I'll kill every last one of them sorry son's ah' bitches."
Post in: Lore
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