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by on February 2, 2018
With the new precedent upon traces and edits of famed artists, I feel I have to write something.
First of all, I'm not evil. I believe that artists should get their credit for the art that they create. This was never in question. However, I feel that the site has now made a precedent that resides on nothing but conjecture that is impossible to follow.
The rules, as they are now forbid any form of edit, trace or parody of a piece without the explicit acceptance of the artist in question. I can see why this is, but the practicality of the rule is simply out of scope. As this rule stands, it most likely makes a very high percentage of art on this site against the CoC.
What I have trouble with is the fact that this rule is not based upon any form of copyright, as they state in the recent site-wide message. It has absolutely nothing to do with copyright. The site is hosted in Canada and I will base my arguments upon this position, but the argument would be the same if it was hosted in the US or Europe.
Edits, traces and fanart are considered fair use in the eyes of the Canadian law. Therefore, there is absolutely no illegality going on in posting edits or traces of art of other artists. In fact, even the artists themselves cannot impose the images to be taken down. This is what fair use means and it's a staple of free speech in the western world.
The site rules forbid this form of art in favor of the artists themselves and therefore is based upon nothing but a sense of moral obligation. They are of course free to do so, since it's their site. But as I stated the practicality of the rule makes very, very many images on the site "illegal". The strike that was made against me due to uploading a traced image has set a very dangerous precedent. Anyone who has uploaded images that are based upon work of another artist without explicit permission are now fair targets in the eyes of the admins of Canterlot Avenue.
I feel that the moral obligation of the admins and users of Canterlot Avenue are overwriting the fact that the site is made for roleplay and entertainment. Not only does it damage site potential, it opens up a whole new avenue of "mini modding" which is also against the rules.
In conclusion, I feel that this rule is untenable for both practical and immersion reasons. The precedent set by the sites admins means that mini-modding will increase and damage users perception of the site in the long run. As the creators themselves have stated, the site is not meant to be a replacement for Ponysquare, which rules and laws made continual survival impossible in the end.
Sincerely, a concerned pony.
PS: I am starting a collection of artist approvals that can be referenced for any future traces or edits uploaded to this site. If you have a screencap of explicit permission to use traces or edits based upon the art of an artist, please send them to me so I can include them in said list.
Current list:
The trace that was taken down...
7 people like this.
Slurpee Hooves
This reminds me of the time JinxReload claimed he was promoting other people's Youtube channels by reuploading their videos in their entirety on his own fully monetized channel.
Like February 19, 2018
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*cries* the monster is back, make it go away mommy, make it go away!
Like February 23, 2018
Silver Note
Don't feed to trolls, kiddies. You all knew what it means to comment things like this and what follows.]]
Like February 23, 2018
This was supposed to be dead. dont revive it.
Like February 23, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
That zebra male is thicc.
Like February 19, 2018
When this mentions tracing are we talking about tracing of artwork from like deviantart or the use of bases?
Like February 23, 2018
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Phoenix Genevieve
It’s funny because the usual response is “I don’t have money to buy art, so it’s okay for me to steal it!”
Like February 23, 2018
This is old, this is dead. We literally tore this person a new asshole five times over. I want it to die. Don't listen to anything this person says.
Like February 23, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Yo how did I miss this juicy shit
Like February 23, 2018
Crimson Night
Who the fuck dug this back up?
Like February 23, 2018
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Even if they unfollow, it pops up on the global feed
Like February 23, 2018 Edited
Silver Note
Good thing it's one thread I can easily ignore.
Like February 23, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
I got emails of this thread and became :eyes: straight away.
Like February 23, 2018