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Snow Storm
by on September 2, 2018
Snow Storm - Arctic Pegasus - Vessel of a Windigo

Short Biography
This little Arctic pony has a very long and troubling tail. Due to the circumstance of their mother's family history, Snow Storm was born with an entity known as a Windigo attached to them. Because of their plains of existence being intertwined, their death became prolonged as long as the Windigo stayed with them.
They out lived all who they knew, and grew quite lonely during their existence. Death is not inevitable, and they could in fact be killed. But like a zombie, Snow Storm rose from the grave. Albeit, it would take longer each time in between lives. The take away from being resurrected was that they lost parts of their memory and experiences. Thus starting out a fresh new beginning. Snow tries to piece together their forgotten lives bit by bit, back tracking to where it all began. They hope to break the bond they have with the Windigo to perhaps live out their final chapter in peace.
Physical Description
Naming Pronouns: She, He, They, Them.
Their height is small, at a shoulder height comparison to Rainbow Dash (let's say). Their weight is similar to the load of a medium sized dog, covered in a white coat that is as shaggy as a rug. Their fur is thicker than running a hand through granny's lumpy homemade custard.
Their short, sky blue mane is constantly swept back from the cold wind they stick their face in. Typically flying at speeds up to 50 mph. But they mostly cruise at a casual 15 mph due to their small, under developed wings.
With a set of canine teeth (although a little unappealing to look at), this gnarled and scared face possesses vibrant pastel eyes, one of purple and blue from right to left.
Special Talent & Career
Mostly causing havoc weather. It doesn't deem useful unless they want to help out the weather pegasi with preparing for the Winter season. They're also a wicked snow boarder.. But that isn't really in their "talent description."
Throughout their immortal life, they have been many different things, ranging from a notorious pirate to a treasure hunter, to sweeping somebody's floors and cleaning windows. Now, they take part in the supernatural services such as ghost hunting and trapping. Due to their weirdness magnet, Snow Storm has found that they could make a living off of it, catching demons and setting them lose somewhere else... Or selling them to some weirdos.
Most currently, Snow Storm lives in a huge, run down mansion on the edge of a shabby ol' town. Inside the mansion lay many riches from Snow Storm's past lives, and in particular, their pirating days. A rich collection of historic books that could almost rival that of the royal academic archives, and art work probably stolen from years dating back before a time when the two sister's ruled Equestria. The only issue is that the mansion is haunted, and Snow Storm spends her days cleaning up the place with her old butler, Cobble Stone who stayed in the mansion for many years waiting for Snow Storm to return. Now that they're reunited again, Cobble Stone is much at ease.

There's a couple words that come to mind when thinking about how to describe this little fur ball. For starters, they're exceptionally lazy, likely the most lazy immortal being anyone is to meet. Imagine, living for decades and sleeping through about half of it. While others are likely to try and get better at certain things, learning new and convenient skills, Snow Storm is off frolicking in the fields or stealing an apple or two from the Apple Family Farm.
Careless about life, they mostly shrug off the drama around them. They do not often relish in stressful situations, becoming irrational and catty to anyone unfortunate enough to irritate them. Snow Storm is highly withdrawn these days, meaning that they won't appear in town. They are off some where, probably in a ditch or in the snow where they dug themselves a hole to lay in.
They like adventuring. If there is a belly full of food and some good amount of reward involved, then they're quite enthusiastic about it. But food usually is the key to their heart - they simply love a warm, hearty meal teaming with thick chunks and powerful flavours. If someone is a great cook, Snow Storm is likely to be friends with them. They tend to mix up the meaning of friend with something else, though. They try to use any opportunity they have to get away with taking off with their "friend's" prized jewels or dinner left overs from the fridge. Sharing is caring, right?
"Whhhatt? I was gonna' give em' back? How was I suppose to know they were a treasured family heirloom?"
But somehow, despite their impulsive behaviours, they're incredibly innocent looking. Typically, their childlike aloofness and ability to play off a "blameless" stunt is admirable on many levels. People don't normally scare her but certain situations will. Being underground is one. And the ocean is another. Snow Storm likes to be free, and able to see what is above her at all times. And as for the ocean... Well, let's just say they're not the most confident swimmer.
All in all, they're a laid back, crafty, little pony with a half glass full attitude. They'll hide most of their history from people wishing to know - they prefer to seem less of a downer, and more of a high spirited creature. After all, there are too many sad ponies out there.

- Cold and rainy weather
- Freebies and reject shops
- Flaura
- Smooth Jazz
- Sipping a Pina Colada in a hammock while the sun sets
- Their super, amazing, strong boyfriend, Wolfram!!
- Most food
- Pillow forts with pizza
- Armour
- The ocean and its horrible sandy beaches
- Snot nose little fillies
- Bat ponies
- Sweating in the sun
- Their caffeine addiction and it's horrible deprivation effects
- "The light! TTSSTSSK! It burns!"
- Taking a bath
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Topics: oc descriptions
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Snow Storm
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Rough Winds
ur a midget
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Snow Storm
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