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by on April 16, 2019
I, the undersigned agree for FlimFlam Industries to hire me, the undersigned. the undersigned shall not:
A: reveal company secrets
B: enter restricted areas
C: disobey any employee guidelines
D: communicate with Apple family inc.
E: not hold a presentable attire and demeanor at all times
F: not reflect the values and morals of FlimFlam industries.
In return Flimflam industries will:
A: Allow for 1 hour breaks every 8 hour shift
B: Pay the undersigned a mutually agreed amount of bits an hour
C: Grant the undersigned 1 free meal from the cafeteria every 8 hour shift.
D: Allow the undersigned potential for advancement in their career.
E: will give the undersigned a W2 every year.
F: Grant the Undersigned reduced tuition at Freindship University.
Both parties can:
A: terminate employment at any time, for any reason.
B: negotiate for a higher, or lower, paygrade.
Flimflam industries is happy for your agreement to join our team!
sign here:
Topics: company, employment
2 people like this.
*Shenandoah, the Eohippus, looked at the... "Paper" put in front of her. She doesn't know how to read. She looks... Quite confused and so, stabs the contract with her stone knife, because it frustrated her, and then looks up at Flam, as if asking "Did I do a good?" She still doesn't know how to spea... View More
Like August 23, 2019
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*well... At least she didn't point the knife at him, she's... Done that to more than one pony. Kinda found out that's not a good thing to do.* ((I hope he's not too mad at the little cavepony, she's just trying to learn this new modern world. And I hope this was as entertaining for you as it was fo... View More
Like August 23, 2019
//he is... a little mad, but he figured that she was probably mentally challenged, so he didnt get too mad. Not that your charachter is of course! It is just flams perception.
Like August 23, 2019
((I know, wouldn't blame him if he was mad, even if it is a little bit, especially since it was his favorite desk!
Like August 23, 2019
Asteria Bleu
"Getting back into the flow of society!" She said quietly, signing the paper.
Like August 23, 2019
Dr. Marina Bleu
“Here, Somson, is the contract if you’re interested in joining this company. Flam would probably want to speak with you, too!” she said to the very different, totally-not-sombra stallion named Somson.
Like August 23, 2019
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Dr. Marina Bleu
“How humble! A-anyways, i should probably show you around the area a bit, Somson, i’m sure you’re curious to see a bit more of this l... place.” she said, using a wing to gently push him towards the exit. “And maybe, Flam, you and i can have a private conversation later about something?”
Like August 23, 2019
He seemed a little confused about it, but so long as he didnt mark him down as an official employee, nothing really had to be done about it. "Of course my dear, and, i think i might be able to head over to vanhoover to help you out at some point! I would really like to see your place there!" He smil... View More
Like August 23, 2019
King Sombra
Sombra chuckles, getting the feeling he just barely landed the job. "You do that, Mari. You know where to find me if anything comes up." With a flash of light, Sombra had disappeared.
Like August 23, 2019
Shifter Burnside
Signed, BALLER
Like March 19, 2024