Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
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Adaptive Canon
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins Lock Heart
*Nitroxus crouched down and spindash toward the pony. He stopped right in front of the pony and smiled. He then passed over a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Hey does anyone know what the rank would be for a field agent for the Lunar Guard who acts more like a investigator/detective? A CIA, kind of deal?
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(( I hate feeling depressed. I hate feeling so worthless that I feel like my RP replies will never good enough for anyone no matter how legnthy, or detailed they are. I hate how I can have an immediat... View More
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Thank you all for opening your DMs and hearts to me. I should be fine now, and I feel better after being given some advice. I appreciate all of your comments and how you all took the time to reply to my post, this means very much to me.
You all are what makes me come back to the fandom on a repeat cycle, the good ponies who are willing to help out to those that need it. The same goes for you all, if you ever need someone to listen, vent, or cry to... I'm here for you, the very same you are for me.
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Earth Pony