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((It's kinda hard for me to choose! I love so many monsters! But, of course, I'm going to have to go with the obvious! Werewolves are so freaking cool to me because I've always loved sharp teeth and claws and such! I don't know why, but the thought of becoming a horrible unstoppable beast on a full moon is so cool to me! Especially because during a full moon, I go super crazy(er)! Anyway, everyone probably already knew what my favorite was going to be.))
werewolves/vampires it’s a tie, there’s shows about them that keep me busy but I always loved seeing the Van Helsing movie around this time of year for obvious reasons, always loved the moon and stories about werewolves and vampires.. I saw some documentaires that make me believe it’s real even If it’s just a myth, the thought of being able to transform like that is Cool imo minus the bloodsucking and killing
I don't really have favorites. I am so OCD that I can't choose anything. I can't make up my mind and choose just one! But here are a few I have heard of that seem cool: The Wendigo: It was said to be a spirit of sorts that possess people and makes them cannibalistic. I thought this was cool because it would make sense of why someone is stupid enough to eat a person if they are not starving. Source: Bray Road Beast: Also known as a werewolf to people in Wisconsin. This is cool because I really like the idea of a real werewolf! I am a believer. So if something could possibly be real then.. YAY!!! Source: El Chupacabra: chupar meaning “to suck” and cabra meaning “goat". Very weird name haha but catchy! I think this is the most realistic you could get to a werewolf. I mean it could be a normal dog with a rabies mutation. Or it could be an actual werewolf just in more of a dog form than human. Hahaha or it could be a hairy vampire that stayed out in the sun too long and shrunk to dog like figure XP kidding of course! Source: Loch Ness Monster: Pretty much it is a Brachiosaurus or other long neck dinosaurs in the Sauropods group but with flippers instead of legs. This makes it more like a Plesiosauria or Elasmosaurus. If this sighting was really of a dinosaur at about A . D . 500 to 1500....then...was it real? I mean no one studied dinosaurs back then right (1784-1856)? Makes people wonder. Source: Other Legends and myths: