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OOC// hai! im alex loldog! ! ! ! she/theyi liek drawing...!!! ! ! loldog06 on most socials
Roleplay Universe
My Little Pony
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Nitroxus Soulspins Apricot Whirl / Loldog
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would pass them a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus floated on the top of a flying guitar. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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do u guyz like ponytown? i think itz super fun!! the customization is awesome
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HHEHEH THATZ fair!!! You have to release the creativity back into the ennbiornment...
September 1, 2021
|| I sometimes use it to gather inspiration for OCs, but other than that I don't really use it. I'm not great at socializing and all I ever see there is people fighting so that's a major turn off for me to engage with other users. I do like the pixel art though; the background is beautiful and the c... View More
I don't go on very often but I like it too. I mostly use it for OCs inspiration since I'm not that great with socializing.
Such beautiful drawings :00
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might not be able to finish this for a while, but i sketched a full reference of my oc, apricot whirl! :-)
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*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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"Thank you so much!" she replies through a giggle. Apricot holds her hoof out for a 'shake' as they shower in the confetti. "I like it a lot, already!"
August 24, 2021
Welcome to help *Shaking her hoof, Nitroxus would smile.* Glad to meet you. I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Also, I do apologize for the confetti.
She blows a confetti off her snout with a blow, followed by a hefty shake, and many fall out of her mane. "It's no trouble. I really quite love it! Its yummy." Apricot moves hair out of her eye. "It's nice to meet you Nit-ro-xus! I'm Apricot Whirl!"
August 25, 2021
Wonderful name Apricot, much like the fruit, its such a good name so just say a lot. So glad to meet you. So what can I do for you?
She nods, looking around and shrugging a hoof. "I don't need much, I just need a nice cloud to sit on and observe."
August 25, 2021
I think I can find a good cloud for you. Just got to look for it.
August 25, 2021
Keep your art up. You’re very talented.
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does anyone like cats millionare's work?? she's probably my FAVORITE mlp fan-musician, and i think her mlp work is soo underated :-) she made the albums "fun fun fun" and "im so sorry", as well as a l... View More
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i really appreciate her work! though i understand her style could be more of an acquired taste, i think shes worth checking out! lots of deeper introspection on some episodes lol
hai! this is my human twilight sparkle headcanons :-) i wanna do all the mane 4 but i havent had the chance yet !!!
10 people like this.
Wow. You did really good. Lovely design. I really like the dark skin. UwU
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