Reformed Changeling (in Disguise)
Roleplay Availability
About Me
|| 27, Female (She/Her); kind of a forgetful dummy. I'm an artist and most of the art on my accounts are made by me, unless stated otherwise. DO NOT use my characters, my artwork, or artwork made for me by others in any way, shape, or form without my permission!!! Thank you. ❤
Roleplay Universe
Canon G4 Universe
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Government Organization

Nitroxus Soulspins Spiracle
*Nitroxus rode on the air currents by holding unto a large leaf. He landed on the ground with a smile. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical playing piano and it flew itself to the changeling. He smiled once he was near the changeling and climbed off the piano. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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|| Decided I'm not gonna give up on this girl and instead I'm gonna be giving her a massive overhaul storywise, yeehaw.
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5 people like this.
Spiracle just laid there on the ground, motionless. Was she alive? Was she dead? Who knows. Who cares, really. #rp
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"Oh." Jade stops in her tracks as she had passed Spiracle, back-canters so that she's next to the insectoid mare, and that's all that she can think to say first? Really?
Well it isn't Jade's fault the bug mare was pretty - nope not going there. Check if she needs help first.
"Um... ma'am?" If Jade... View More
September 23, 2021
The moment Jade asked the Changeling mare if she could 'hear her', the insectoid would raise a single hoof into the air, as if to give a thumbs up- whatever that was- before letting her front leg flop back down in front of her. "Yup. Loud and clear. Nope; just looking at some ants." She was, in fact... View More
"I see." Jade elected to sit down next to the bug mare, "The queen is a tyrant. Rules her colony with an iron fist. Would be good if anyone took her down but one of her sons is plotting. He's got the biggest crumb of the bunch cause he's actually in an anime training compilation working out to defea... View More
|| Ew, she exists. Still need to do the inside of her Elytra, but that's for another day cause I wanna do an entirely different image for that.
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This is absolutely gorgeous I love the transparency and the pastel colors and the iridescent effects... Now, this is a cute bug!
|| I can't decide on if I want to give Spiracle a house or not. Part of me keeps saying I should, but also part of me keeps saying no I shouldn't. ...Hmmm...
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Maxh has a house, yet veeery often is found there, he's mostly on his wheeled house, which he pulls horse-style around town for traveling purposes.
September 5, 2021
/ Wonderful then better save off an extra honey barrel! if you wanna RP anytime I'm always available. Honey is deliciousss
September 5, 2021
|| I'd love to roleplay in the future! I want to get Spiracle's main five disguises designed (her Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn, Crystal Pony, and Bat Pony disguises) before I get into an super deep roleplays as those will be the most used disguises, but once they're done I'd definitely love to! ^^
/ Amazing! whenever you wants, I'll be around hit up whenever! would love to see your artwork as well since you got such a cool style.
September 5, 2021
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Gamer, Artist, Roleplayer
Reformed Changeling (in Disguise)