
Aurora Cassiopeia
Heyyyy! Cute lil narrative roleplaying filly here, making myself known to the populace. Pm me if you wanna rp sometime! Please read my stuff before you do though.
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*waves at everypony*
1 person liked this.
*notices your bulge* OwO what's this.... Remind me to shoot myself later.
Woah! the picture for the group really makes me wanna do a dnd type rp now >w<
7 people like this.
Just let everyone know, I've set up a role-play called Equestria: Age of Adventure but I'm looking for players for. In many ways will be very much akin to a Dungeons & Dragons or a Pathfinder game tho... View More
1 person liked this.
My apologies for a few errors, I'm using my phone and the microphone function I'll try to be more careful. I wish there was a way to edit these replies.
It is a huge pain. I can't even write long responses without the browser slowing down here and there as I type. Not to mention the small word box! Alas, it is what it is, and I hope it improves all time.
December 5, 2017
I'm not sure if that this is the right page for that, but essentially what I was offering with my username is that I was saying I was a scholar of a Equestrian history.
December 5, 2017
December 6, 2017
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