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Air Lightning Rush
*Air trots inside sighing not really happy to be back in here to post her application again after what had happened between her and her ex she was dating but she’s willing to try again here and this t... View More
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Moonlight Flower
Moonlight Flower trots past and notices the flyer and reads it carefully and looks at her picture. "Hmm, perhaps I could possibly meet her sometime." She takes out a paper and fills out a form.
Full Name: Moonlight Flower
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female ... View More
August 25, 2021
Air Lightning Rush
*Air trots back inside looking around to see if anypony has read her resume about dating her as she looks around hoping to bump into somepony anypony that might interest her…*
January 7, 2022
night shade
*Night rose uses her magic to lift up the form, after looking at it she uses her magic to attach her response to it which reads "you seem like a mare i could get close to, you can find me in canterlot. yours faithfully Night Rose", she then puts it back and continues on her way*
October 4, 2022
Air Lightning Rush
*Air trots back inside seeing a note attached to her form as she reads it and smiles before sighing in relief and head held high decides to visit this mare named Night Shade in Canterlot as she takes flight to meet the mare..*
October 4, 2022
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