
Lord Tirek
I would like to join a group but it doesn't seem like anyone comes here any more
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table simulator on steam
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I'm actually thinking of DMing a game on here, if anyone is interested just PM me and I'll send out a character sheet, It will be my first time so i'll start off with a one shot and if all goes well i... View More
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Yes but as long as it's the 5e version, I literally need to use everything i already know to make this whole thing go smoother
February 27, 2018
How would an online D&D game work, it would take a lot of trust in people to assume they would give honest dice rolls, for example we could be at an important part of a campaign and everyone rolls a n... View More
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So is anyone able to make a DND game online or FoE game online??
February 20, 2018
Whoever wishes to play FoE online and is trained as a DM just friend request on discord my discord is Aqua Fresh#3606
February 20, 2018
There's quite a few programs. Though it's just as possible to trust your guys. In a skype game we had we did, if anyone decided to lie about their rolls it was on them. No use lying when half the fun is the fails.
I feel being a dark elf or forest elf is better, when you need to be swift and nimble. You can also use your natural trait of knowledge of nature, or thief.
February 20, 2018
I play a lot of X-Wing and Killer Bunnies. I know fuck all about this game and its cult following.
February 20, 2018
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