
Ask Jevil the Jester
"I have a job,,,it's a job to keep all of you far away from my cell! if you come one foot! one hair and dare open my cell door! well i'll let you all fill in what i would do or what you do to me in th... View More
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that bothers me that you'd even work a cell anyway
April 14, 2020

Ask Jevil the Jester
never said i did HOO HOO, HOO HOO, HEE HEE."
April 14, 2020

good tho
April 15, 2020
I love playing osu! and League Of Legends
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RIGHT??? the fucking merchant shit was the best update this game ever put out, elves & giants included
i wasted most of my teens playing this game, y’all got no idea how happy it makes me to hear someone else utter that one word
April 14, 2020
that is classified only i know the answer to that and i rather not share it just yet,
April 14, 2020
OSU is for superhumans..... tear rain hurts me
LoL is for the emotionally resilient.... i have no business playing it but i do >:c
When you finally have enough gold for hybrid AD/AP pen quints.
Y'all know what I mean
i haven’t even fucked with the new masteries because idk what’s going on anymore
Amity Guard play league and mabinogi with me at the same time. i’ll play a really good morgana support (allegedly)
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