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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*As we were going through the time ways, me and Jewel held onto each other.* It's going to be okay! As long as we're together, we got this!
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
I sure hope so, I don't know where we're really going!
Like January 15, 2024
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
I think he's trying to stop Kahl from getting to you. Us. I don't know, we just need to stop him! *She would launch a fireball at the flying Dragonkin.*
Like January 17, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*The fireball would hit Kerapac. He would be sent to the ground. We would make it to Kerapac and put up a shield to stop him from going further.* (Kerapac) You think you can stop me here? I'd like to see you try... *He starts launching time bolts at me and Jewel. We would dodge them, but one would h... View More
Like January 22, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Y-yeah. It wasn't a heavy bolt, so the damage is minimal. C'mon, let's go after him! *She would get up and the two would follow Kerapac into the time portal.*
Like January 22, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Skye would head to Canterlot to meet up with and help where she could. In her team was Kahl, Flashwing, and Zon. Upon flying over some of the villages, she would notice that they were on ... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Kahl) Small dog worried about Ink Pony and Blue Bird. Kahl say don't worry. Ink Pony and Blue Bird have gotten out of worse. So have we. (Skye) But... the way Kerapac flung him into time, Kahl... it... I... (Kahl) It fine. They return soon. I know. (Skye) At least one of us is confident. We're comi... View More
Like January 18, 2024 Edited
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Meanwhile, on the outside of the timeways, Skystar would be looking over Spinneret. She had put her in the nano repair machines in the medical ward.* There we go.
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Spinneret had finally woken up, finding herself back in the USF HQ. "mneh...elly?..."
Like January 15, 2024
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"Of course, my Queen."
Like January 17, 2024
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*She shakes her head.* Alright then, it's settled. Off to Monros we go. *She would activate her wrist watch to the whole force.* Everyone get locked and loaded. A few teams are going to Canterlot, while other teams are going to Mount Aris. The few remaining will go with us to Monros to check things ... View More
Like January 17, 2024
Spins nodded.
Like January 17, 2024
Operation: Final Battle 8; Time Unwound
One week remains... the time is almost here...
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Operation: Final Battle 8; Time Unwound
2 weeks remain...
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Operation: Final Battle 8; Time Unwound
You are the key to my freedom... your death will save me, hero of the Cartoon Universe...
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I should explain a bit of Kerapac's motivation for messing with Stickman's timeline... even more so than that of GLITCH or Fate of Hand. See, the elder God Jas put it in Kerapac's mind that if he erased Stickman and his friends from existence, the dragonkin will be free. So, donning the powerful Sta... View More
Like September 13, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You may have noticed that I've created O:FB 8's page. Figured i'd get this set up for 2024. Be sure to tune in, you guys don't wanna miss this time hopping adventure!
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