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Spartan Sword the unicorn
on January 19, 2020
Hello peeps. Been some time since I was last here. I've been pretty busy myself. Joined the U.S. airforce (currently in delayed entry.) and I revamped my OC into a robot which I'll redo the origins on later. I even made my own discord server earlier in the year. Anyways, that's all I got currently.
Dimension: 512 x 512
File Size: 175.87 Kb
8 people like this.
Darren Cuffs
Go all the way down.
Like January 19, 2020
Spartan Sword the unicorn
Like January 19, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Go. All. The. Way. Down.
Like January 20, 2020
Angel Wingate heart
welcome back and nice to meet a fly boy we can make fun of XD
Like January 19, 2020
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Knight Wolf
Hey this crayon eater actually likes that crayon eater
Like January 21, 2020
Cally Ber
You're USMC, knight?
Like January 21, 2020
Knight Wolf
Yup, 2 years now I've been out now but still remember having my crayons for breakfast lunch and dinner
Like January 21, 2020
Cally Ber
1. That's cool, robot OC types are neat to read about and watch. 2. How come none of you bitches ever join the USMC. I'm like the only one here. All I see is squids, chair people, and Darren. I'm no longer active, but that's irrelevant.
Like January 20, 2020 Edited
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Angel Wingate heart
" crayon eater " cough cough XD XD
Like January 20, 2020
Spartan Sword the unicorn
Idk Cally. Idk.
Like January 21, 2020
Spartan Sword the unicorn
Also thanks for the comment on my oc. I'm still having trouble explaining how he can be fully robot, yet still have emotions and is able to eat regular foods and stuff. Best explanation I have so far is that he sort of has a soul and it's kinda like the anime Ghost in the Shell.
Like January 21, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Air Force, more like Chair Force. I can say that since I am an Army Vet. I miss those days so much....
Like January 20, 2020
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Apex Mist
You poor soul
Like January 20, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
You get used to it, just have to find other things to do to bind the time.
Like January 20, 2020
Spartan Sword the unicorn
Honestly, I'm fine being in Airforce. I still get to help people and hopefully won't have to be in any combat where I'm on the front lines.
Like January 21, 2020