Apex Mist

"Great Value" brand Banksy

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on March 21, 1995
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Apex Mist
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Apex Mist
#rp Deep into the night, off the street intersection and behind a dark red brick building could be heard spraying. An odd spraying sound, it was constant then consecutive stops with what sounds like ... View More
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"Are you alright miss?" A purple unicorn buck asked in consern as he walked over. The light from the street light relecting off of his ear rings and deep pink eyes.
Like May 20, 2022 Edited
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"With pinys like me, you learn how to steal them, then make them," he said, "It won't hurt anypony, but it'll blind them up to fifteen minutes."
Like May 23, 2022
Apex Mist
"Ya know.." Apex started as she moved back closer to Cheshire. "Uncommon to popular belief. Those bitches right there-" She started before pointing at the flashbang. "Actually hurt a lot. The sound of it is painful and the sight. Going blind isn't painless." She ended with a small laugh.
Like May 23, 2022
"Oh," Cheshire said looking down at the flash bang, "I didn't know that. Unfortunately this is the best defense I have besides teleporting and levetation."
Like May 23, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk witnessed the motion as the mare was sitting down and bleeding. Being the observant pony he is, he decided to approach the mare, and began to state his observation: "You got, uhh, erm...a bit of, something, on your right arm...just saying."
Like May 20, 2022
Apex Mist
Apex looked across the street to see Stardusk. The mare showed visible annoyance, hoping this wasn't going to end up with now she has something on her face. Alas, it all was truly on her arm. "Your right or my right?" She asked looking at both of her arms.
Like May 20, 2022
Stardusk Strider
"uhmm...your right? I think..." He held up both of his hooves, looking at them, and then began to tilt his head, as if to signify what angle she is at to determine if he was correct. "...yep, your right. Do you need some help, perhaps?"
Like May 20, 2022
Apex Mist
By the time Stardusk reached her and figured out the puzzling question. Apex raised an eyebrow with a twitching right lip corner, moving up slightly before coming back down to normal. "I'm right? What am I right about?" She asked before raising both her hooves in the air. "My right or yours?" She as... View More
Like May 23, 2022
Spirit Weaver
Spirit had a tendency to be.... places. Where? Anywhere. Wherever she was needed. And also basically everywhere she wasn't. Don't ask. She got around. Which was exactly what lead to her calling out to the stranger, "Bad luck, huh?" Spirit, herself, was sitting on a low rooftop, her hindlegs danglin... View More
Like May 20, 2022
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Spirit Weaver
"Just like I said. I'm a witch. It comes with the territory." As she was closer, now, her body was more... Clear. Her grey fur was pulled taut over her bones, her ribs visible through her chest. And it seemed everywhere one looked on her had scars. "Like I said. It's filthy. I don't want it to get ... View More
Like May 23, 2022
Apex Mist
Apex opened her mouth to ask another question, but quickly closed it since she had no idea about being a witch and the procedures. The mare looked over Spirit with a sticking gaze as she looked over each feature, more of looking at the scars. After Spirit gave the order of the breath, Apex stated, ... View More
Like May 23, 2022
Spirit Weaver
"First time I've heard that," she'd state, now placing a cloth pad over the wound, and wrapping it tightly with gauze, "It's nothing major. You'll be fine. Just... y'know. Don't get caught next time. Or were you hoping to get some cool scars, yourself?" A yawn, and she'd stand up once more, "So. I... View More
Like May 23, 2022
Apex Mist
Artist: AiriniBlock
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Vy Thresh
Cuute <3
Like June 25, 2021
Like June 25, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
Like June 25, 2021
Bright Brave
Illegal good looking pony
Like June 25, 2021
Apex Mist
//Happy pride month and be safe!
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Vy Thresh
|| Thank you! Happy Pride to you as well <3 ||
Like June 1, 2021
Apex Mist
Art made by Baby!
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Captain Sky N Nova
Like May 29, 2021
Bright Brave
Like May 29, 2021
Polo Fastter
neon spray paint
Like May 29, 2021
Apex Mist
*illegal activity*
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Amethyst Shimmer
*indifferent screaming*
Like May 27, 2021
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
*confused screaming*
Like May 27, 2021
Charlie Gabriel Blaze
*Joins and blows up office building*
Like May 27, 2021
Charlie Gabriel Blaze
Like May 27, 2021
Kadai Montanya
Like May 27, 2021
Apex Mist
Apex builds rapport with you and befriends you before never speaking to you again.
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Just like my ex! Haha! Haha... Hah... eh..
Like May 24, 2021
Apex Mist
They just didn't have the words to speak to you. I get that way when I'm star struck too.
Like May 24, 2021
*smiles in a way that can only be described as: ',:^]) *
Like May 24, 2021 Edited
Yami Crosshide
what the hell is rapport......also your "befriend then never talk to" doesnt effect me, it happens alot...doesnt really matter
Like May 24, 2021
Apex Mist
noun a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well. "she was able to establish a good rapport with the children"
Like May 24, 2021
Yami Crosshide
hm...cool word
Like May 24, 2021
Silver Shield
How many times has this happened on this website I wonder
Like May 24, 2021
Apex Mist
🌟 M E T A 🌟
Like May 24, 2021
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Meh...this is :sparkles:fine:sparkles:
Like May 24, 2021
Bright Brave
It’s really nice to see you. :3 Did you ever get that tesla? I want a cybertruck ~
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Apex Mist
It's eh. I'm here and trying to get back into this. I did and had it since 2019 Dec. I plan to get trade in for that sick ass cyber truck.
Like May 21, 2021
Bright Brave
Awww yeah girl 💚
Like May 21, 2021
Apex Mist
Apex puts her hooves to her head and starts to shake her head. "Oh fuck.. I'm getting old." She stated in a panic type of tone. "I'm gonna be 30 in 4 years. Ohhh fuck. I'm gonna lose grip with the urb... View More
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Bright Brave
Bright looked at her over his sunglasses. “Remember kid. Cool never dies.” 😎
Like May 21, 2021
Apex Mist
Apex looked at him with a disgusted gaped mouth in a way you would if someone farted in your face. "Oh no. Kill me now."
Like May 21, 2021
Bright Brave
“Sure!” He said cheerfully. “How much money will you pay me?”
Like May 21, 2021
Vanil butts into Mist's crisis "Yeah well...how about 4 months?"
Like May 21, 2021
Apex Mist
Apex pats Vanil's back. "Hey, no worries. You can star in the next Stacy's Mom,"
Like May 21, 2021
Apex Mist
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