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on April 29, 2024
Part 2: the ghost and the giant
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As the S.P.A.C.E. Shuttle approaches the abandoned spaceship orbiting Jupiter, the crew readies themselves for the unknown. Armed with their standard-issue suits, handheld scanners, and weapons, they stand prepared for any encounter.
Laly, leading the expedition, surveys the derelict vessel with a mix of caution and determination.
Upon docking, the crew and Laly step onto the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned spaceship.
Their weapons, holstered at their sides, serve as a reminder of the potential dangers that lurk within. The air carries a faint scent of decay, mingled with the acrid odor of burnt circuits.
"Test, Test" Laly's voice crackles over the radio, breaking the silence. "Let's make sure our comms are working. Everyone, do a radio check." #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
"Mmmmmm, check please!" Spins, in her human disguise, chuckled. She looked around at her teammates and at the station.
Like April 29, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins saluted. "Shall we split into pairs and pursue these dots?" she asked. "It seems this may be our best lead as to what happened here, and pairs are much safer than goin alone?"
Like May 1, 2024
"That's how horror movies start" one of the soldiers say while Laly gives that soldier a death stare "We're NOT in a horror movie" she replies sharply before she gazes at Sprout "since we don't know what we're dealing with, plus it's still unknown territory for us, I think we should stick together..... View More
Like May 3, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"No, no, they've got a point. We're in a space station near a dangerous planet and it's filled with somethin we don't know what it is." Spins nodded at Laly. "Understood, ma'am."
Like May 3, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce stood by as he held onto the picture of him with his brother and little niece as he kept it close to him before putting it away, he put on the prototype shield he had made with a close friend of his, one that resembled that of an armadillo shell that covered his back as his time using shield d... View More
Like April 29, 2024
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Hearing Laly he nodded as he at least for now he knew that's all the info he needed right now as he kept himself aware and alert, looking around the derelict ship as it was a quiet he hasn't heard in a long time, almost every sound could be heard in these echoing halls as you had no idea if your own... View More
Like May 1, 2024
"You don't like the feeling of being watched? geez dude, wrong job" one of the soldiers adds in a snarky tone while the others just chuckle "At least there's someone or something that likes to watch him" Laly adds with a roll of her eyes as she walks in front of the team, her scanner moving slowly f... View More
Like May 3, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce hearing them he shook his head as he was already opening his mouth to respond but before he could Laly jumped in to say what she did, he smiled warmly knowing there was more to that than just snark back at the soldier as he turned to watch Laly. After a moment of more silence had passed he qui... View More
Like May 3, 2024
Tality brought some of her own kit. She doesn't have or need a pressure suit, she has her own self-contained oxygen scrubber and reserve tanks. On her right hoof is an articulated gauntlet that translates the use of her earth pony grip into astonishingly dextrous movement of the mechanical fingers, ... View More
Like April 30, 2024
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Tality looks aghast. "What do you take me for? Some bang-happy yolo gamer? No, no, you don't plant an explosive the ship can't take. Generally you want to put 'em in a way that the ship absorbs it in the way it's designed to accelerate, right along the spine, otherwise you're gonna rip it open like ... View More
Like May 1, 2024 Edited
"Thank you for the school lesson" one of the soldiers said "Maybe more acting and less talking" the soldier adds as they keep walking through the hallway, the atmosphere hangs heavy onto their shoulder as they soon pass a small window that seems to glow in an orange tone. Laly stops for a moment to ... View More
Like May 1, 2024
Tality's ears perk up at the sound of the low groaning noise and immediately presses an ear against a bulkhead to try to pick up more detail on it before it fades away entirely. She grins ear-to-ear as a dozen different things it could be flash through her head, and she chuckles grimly. "Well, let's... View More
Like May 1, 2024