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Lord Somber
December 5, 2018
804 views 21 plays
No such thing all failure. This'll just show what you know or if you're really good at guessing~
If all mares are Dears and all stallions are Good Bois, who does the Prince refer to as Precious?
If you were to consider that the Prince had been alive for over a thousand years, how many love interests has he had?
Is the Prince attractive compared to most royalty?
Things that don't concern the Prince or he finds rather uninteresting is considered?
In the universe that Artemis is in, What stands out when it comes to his Lunars?
Can you guess what title the Prince prefers to be addressed as?
What universe does the Prince take place in?
Is the Prince pure?
The Princes favorite number?
Considering that the Prince has been alive for over a thousand years, does he have children?
3 people like this.
Briea Lyn Miller
"50% not bad, didn't quite pass but didn't quite fail" she nodded with self approval
Like December 6, 2018 Edited
Lord Somber
"More like didn't fail at all since there is no failing."
Like December 6, 2018
Commander Wyatt Ryder
"30%... Bollocks." Cursed Wyatt, shaking his head
Like December 6, 2018
Lord Somber
"Well at least you learned some things "
Like December 6, 2018
Stardusk Strider
I chose choice number C on all of them and got the victory Royale.
Like December 6, 2018
Lord Somber
10/10 strategy
Like December 6, 2018
Aurelie Sweet
Ahhh I did so bad on this one 😂
Like February 21, 2019
Rose Budd
You did well Sweet I like your answers
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Well thank you Ma'am
Like February 21, 2019