If I'm gonna go back to RPing with people I was RPing before I need to clarify some shit, mainly why the fuck Abby looks different
The story is that my wonderful friend that RP's her hubby Lyle mentioned wanting kiddos a while back. Now cause I'm a stickler of an admin and really mean to my characters, Aubade can't have kiddos cause she's trans male to female. As her backstory was that she's not even FROM Equestria originally and basically woke up here cursed after dying elsewhere, it was part ...
Trish is in panic mode. Of course he's in panic mode. He'd tried to contact the other order members via chatterstone the moment they had released him from holding and given him his things back. He'd been gone two days, they needed to know why-he was sure some of them would have been looking for him already.
But no one was responding. That's impossible. There was no way Solaire and Sin both were not at their stones. And the ONLY way that the system could go down is if the main stone node at th...
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Solaire just nods his head. He remembers the priest telling him this before. It's like deja vu.
Except...he is certain the priest that trained him only ever told him this once. This wasn't something the old man had repeated. Why was he being told again? He rubs his neck as he turns, looking at the reflective mirror beside the purifying basin-to help the user look into their own soul and identify impurities-there's a human face staring back at him. Soft, pale skin, hair bleached from magical s...
It had been five hours. Five hourse since Trish had been locked up in royal dungeons. Under guard. He'd been under the impression that he was a rather trusted individual on the royal grounds given his presence there during his mother's time as an ambassador to the princes, and moreover, as a rather esteemed physician and researcher...so this was quite odd to him.
The only questioning he had recieved was immediately as he was arrested. They had asked him if he had recently accessed the forbidd...
I felt prompted to write this after some lowkey vitriol I found myself unable to let go of lately. It regards my former DM exploits and how they led me to a jaundiced view of not only DMing but also D&D in general. This is rather vent-related, which is something I don't do often because I don't find it effective OR worthwhile, but from a psychological standpoint, talking about it has a higher chance to benefit me than not talking about it at all.
What this is NOT is a cry for assistance or a ...
Sweet made herself dinner that she didn't eat again.
Or maybe it was lunch. She'd stopped tracking the clocks. Whateverr the meal was, it was just sitting on the bar, getting cold.
Tinkora had always been really big on clocks. Honestly, she hadn't put much stock in it. Before the E.D.C. was finally realized, then had subsequently failed, all that was just "Tinkora being a crazy bitch" to her. But now that Terra had been lost, Terrans scattered to the cosmos, and an elimination of any known...
Ya’ll gonna fall apart.
Like at the seams.
You live on hopes, and dreams
Is this your last resort?
Life is a storm, we’ll seek any port.
Persona sighs as she pushes her door open to her room, moving slowly inside.
She'd been trotting around the castle with Snowy again-even being a bit jovial. The stallion was cute, even if she wouldn't admit she found him cute often. He wasn't terrible. And she was also baffled he didn't outright hate her. He really should. After what she did. But he doesn't. She rather appreciates that really...
What she doesn't appreciate at the moment is this castle. It seems oppressive. Sepulchral. Melanch...
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Trish really dislikes his useless feeling.
The longer his teammates are gone with him hearing nothing, the more the feeling builds, and they've been gone quite a bit of time on their separate assignments...which has left him restlessly productive. Part of him had considered taking a trip to Rusty's house to visit his family, force himself to relax for a day. But like all changelings, his family emotionally perceptive, and they'd know he was bothered all day...there would be no rest for anyone...
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You won't remember me.
"Of course I will!"
You say that today.
"I won't be the friend that walks away!"
Sophitia was a bundle of heartache and nerves.
She knew that Niakoro had the right idea, hiding away from the vampire lord and any of his cohorts, but....Tia just wasn't that kind of girl. Being cooped up in a witch's hut, in the dark, dank Everfree, was a burden on her very soul.
And yet, staying in Ponyville hadn't been an option either. As much as it pained her to be losing gentle, beautiful creatures like Ephemeria, whom she hadn't embraced in so long because of being in hiding, she would...
Dendrite does a huge yawn as she pulls herself out of her sleep. She doesn't know what time it is, or care, really, but she had one of those sleeps so good she doesn't even know what year it is, let alone what she was doing when she fell asleep...
...although the white mare with a rainbow mane next to her quickly explains what she had been doing, as Dendrite flattens her ears. Oh. That...was unexpected? Now she remembers. Her and Persona had fallen asleep talking about their different powers....
The following stained, dog-eared and well-protected journal entry could be found tucked in a corner of the cave...
"After the Chrysalis hive showed itself in Canterlot, the public fear and hatred towards changelings was established. And who could blame them-an attack on Equestria's capital, the assault on and temporary imprisonment of their rulers, and a swarm of monsters lead against them-their reactions of panic and racism were only natural.
However, some responses went too far. One of them ...
Abby's doing something she hasn't bothered to do in quite a while-meditating. She doesn't like doing it for a variety of reasons. Chiefly among them is it's hard to get a moment alone, another is that there's not often a lot of places, and yet another is that more often than not there's too much emotional turmoil bubbling below the surface for her to even meditate properly.
However, she's made it a point to do it tonight, she needs to try to get herself under control. She can feel her desire to...
Clickbait title much? Not exactly. Welcome to another Abby blog
Let me preface this by saying that I've never ever actually done anything to celebrate pride month-first off because I'm trans and in the closet still, and second, because the concept of being proud of my identity has never been something that my family and immediate friends have inspired in me. The upbringing and religion that caused that to be the case are not something I wish to discuss, despite their causal nature.
No, I am he...
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Sophitia doesn't have a spring in her step today-her usual little gait doesn't seem quite so energetic as before. It's not the weather-she likes the gray, springtime drizzle. It's not the fact she's sober either, her step would still be a bit bouncy...
No, today she seems to be stalking, moving purposefully and almost tensely down the street with her poncho clutched about her to keep her at least a little dry, her fluff ears perking this way and that as her piercing blue eyes steal glances alon...
Rose does a lazy cat-stretch, her wings rustling as they extend, before going to plop down at her cushion. She doesn't have time to finish stretching before a white bean plops on her back, a little changeling with a dorky grin on her face, pink mane falling into her eyes. She nuzzles a kiss on the babe gently as she lays down, cooing. "Yes hello my love. I know I'm your favorite seat."
The cave seemed...rather odd and empty after their time in Canterlot. She had felt...slightly important and....
Trish groans loudly as, for the third time this week, the wifi goes out. He's only been able to afford the cheapest service for the little moving fort he'd enchanted, he didn't have more for anything else. Which is not good, he'd been in the middle of researching possible cures for vampirism, since his books had worn him out. Of course this takes some serious research since half the articles are made-up or fanfiction-level solutions. It's sad. But it's now sadder cause he can't do anything at al...
[i]Hey Abby here! I'm about to turn this entire blog post over to Pinkie, because honestly I'm pretty rankled about the contents of this blog and what I have to say is going to come out not so nice! And we all know that Pinkie can handle anything in the sweetest manner! But before I turn it over, I am dedicating this letter to Darren Cuffs, Cally Ber, myself, and any other current or future police officer roleplayers! Because we're collectively tired of your shit. You're killing our OC's. To DEA...
"I'm tellin' ya man. One date. All it takes. Give it a go. When was the last time you actually did anything with a girl besides pray with her and listen to her problems. I bet one's blushed at you at least once as you've held her petal-soft hands in yours...mmmmmmmmff"
Couper sniffs loftily before taking a bite out of his souffle, chuckling at the sound of discomfort from the stallion across from him. "Can we please stop talking about this. I don't want a date."
"You are wasting your life...
What is an identity?
Is it what I am, or what others see of me?
Do I truly get to define what I want to be
Or am I born marked by a man’s theory?
Like a blank answer sheet, sitting unanswered, unused
the feelings inside emptied, misdirected, confused
poured out, they are dripping now, but in the literal sense;
the crimson flow, it beads from each empty line, creating an intense
silent cry, yet perfectly representing the scream inside
Talking to a wall is nice-it will listen,
and it certainly won’t talk back
but what makes blinds so different?
they’ve a story to tell though a tongue they lack.
Behind their odd corrugation,