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Dr. Odd

A big boy in the little body

Born on October 31, 1999
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Rat boy here!
Dr. Reiner is cute and fluffy but understand his normal storyline focuses on horror and body horror. It has themes of violence and sadness.
That said, I do rps almost daily on the front page that are meant for most peeps or is a lot less disturbing.
I also reply slow. Sorry. I have ADD and get easily distracted when not higher than a kite.
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
No achievements

Status Update

Dr. Odd
Dr. Odd would be shuffling home from work. Alas, he was short. In fact, he stood at only a couple feet off the ground. 2'3" roughly. He would 'run' but he was so short he made no distance from the e... View More
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The Ghostling would stare at them whilst kicking his legs in the air, Soon putting his arms on their head whilst trying to figure out...what they even were ?, He was thinking a Sub-species of Diamond dog!
Like September 24, 2024
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Sunshine Serenade (Mods)
Dr. Odd requested: /roll 1d20
1 roll(s) of D20 dice
Roll results: 19 = 19

This is an automated bot message.
Like 9 hours ago
Dr. Odd
"Right. I suppose if we are being transparent at the rip." He cleared his throat. "I have been a doctor for some time and the things you see are... They are heartbreaking. Every day I live knowing that I can never see their faces again." He would put his paws together. "I used to work at a hospit... View More
Like 9 hours ago
Ghost Sat up despite still having the strange device on his eyes, Before lowering himself till his head was at their level and... Used his scarf to wipe some of their tears. "I...Know the feeling, I'm sorry if I forced you to reveal, I wasn't gonna pressure you into telling me Cause I thought it wou... View More
Like 8 hours ago
*approaches the dog person* Hey, I'm going to ask you some questions if that's okay, as I need to document some things
Like September 24, 2024
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*writes this down* so, you possess an uncommon knowledge of the multiverse, Interesting. do you have something that can perhaps power my Flux teleporter so I can get back to my world?
Like September 25, 2024
Dr. Odd
"Nah. I'm not anyone important, pal. It was perhaps an astute observation from a Pediatrician." He could give a chuckle. "As far as power... You could try mana crystals. You can find them in most caves. They look like small clusters of miniture cryatals. Magic can so just about everything." He nod... View More
Like September 26, 2024
Thanks, I may need to learn how to use magic then. *I stand up* have a goof day sir, and thank you
Like September 26, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*The goddess would appear next to him *. Hello do you need help?
Like September 25, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Apologies it's a bad habit of mine.
Like September 25, 2024
Dr. Odd
"It's okay! You can try teleporting a little ways away and then approach. Now that would work a lot better." Reiner would nod and smile. "That said, I don't quite have a problem per se. I'm... Short." Reiner would look at his legs like it was a new revelation that he stands just slightly taller tha... View More
Like September 26, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
I see.
Like September 26, 2024
Yami Crosshide
*yami would trot by and see the juice* oooo
Like Yesterday, 7:35 pm
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I can go get you more juice if you'd like
Like 15 hours ago Edited
Yami Crosshide
...*his brain cant comprehend all that so he ignores it, picks up the tiny beast...and just walk away with him*
Like 3 hours ago
Dr. Odd
"Oh, boy... I think this is called kidnapping. Oh... " He would have a *worried pomeranian* face. It is often confused with a smile but a stressful face is often hidden behind a veil of confidence.
Like 8 minutes ago