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Nitroxus Soulspins Azriel the Dragon
*Nitroxus climbed up the hill using some very large boots on his legs. He smiled to the dragon as he stood over them. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the dragon and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Having finished all of his deliveries for the day, Azriel flopped back onto the soft plush ground of the meadow in between Ponyville and Appaloosa. With a content sigh he just looked into the sky, wat... View More
Azriel had finally made it to Canterlot, the royal city of equestria. He looked at his pack to make sure the package he was delivering to one of the royal sisters was still there. Indeed it still was.... View More
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"Its just I'm new to Canterlot is all. This is the first time I've had to deliver to it. I've delivered packages to quite literally every other part of the world of Equestria." He rounded the corner with her
April 7, 2019
He stopped about 10 feet away from the door and took a deep breath. He was visibly nervous, but he had a job to do, and he walked up to the door, opening it to walk in with Melody, and kneeled before Luna's throne holding out a package as if it were a royal gift.
April 7, 2019
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Azriel seemed flustered for a moment "Er-w-well I'd hardly call myself a superhero" He chuckled nervously "I just like helping as many ponies as I can"
April 6, 2019
"Oh, of course! I really do enjoy doing it, it leaves a sense of happiness afterwards knowing that you'd helped someone who might not have been able to help themselves." He says smiling
April 6, 2019
Knight stares at the dragon, he squints and shakes his head and rubs his eyes. He then goes buy glasses at a local store, put them on stares at the dragon and takes off the glasses and cleans them bef... View More
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"I do hope I do not resemble anything of this monster" He replied with a worried look on his face
April 6, 2019
Azriel stumbles out of the main treeline of the Everfree forest holding a package, a few scratches on his back. "Stupid Timberwolves.....that'll teach you to mess with a dragon" He puts the package ba... View More
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"Yeah....but i was flying and a stupid duck or something knocked the package off my back....so i had to go into the forest"
April 5, 2019
Oh well if you're looking for rarity than you can find her at her boutique *point to a purple and white looking house* and if you can't find her there I'd try princess twilight's Castle* points to where the crystal like Castle witch you can she peeks over some houses* I'm sure you'll find her at tho... View More
April 5, 2019
Cambia shook her head. The nerve of some ponies. By which time that the interrupting individual had finished, Cambia had already walked back into the woods to be mauled by like, a bear.
April 5, 2019
"Thank you very much Miss Melody, I hope to see you again as well!" He says as he turns to walk towards the boutique first.
April 6, 2019
Knight stares, he stares for a long time, he gets near and stares a bit more. He stares and thinks then he says, "Apologies, but you reminded me of a monster I once met underground," he turns and leaves muttering to himself, "I hope Sans is happy," he says flying off.
April 5, 2019
"I'm terribly sorry, but I've sworn off fire breathing around civilizations" he says sternly
April 6, 2019
The dragon would look a little confused as he'd just get an odd sense... feeling another dragon nearby as he'd raise from his hoard and quickly made his way to the entrance of his cave. Sniffing the air a couple of times and looking across the land below he'd eventually be able to trace his way back... View More
April 6, 2019
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