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Commander Nightfall

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on June 6, 1990
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Flexible, mostly Royal Brothers AU, though.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
The Castle
172 Members

Status Update

Commander Nightfall
Nightfall would look up from his midnight snack; an actual hamburger. "What?" he noticed the odd look you were giving him.
3 people like this.
Phalanx wondered. He wondered if being a changeling meant eating anything would be considered cannibalism.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... Probably," Nightfall says with a shrug. He wasn't sure what the changling was thinking, but it felt like an appropriate answer.
Like March 25, 2020
Kaldra Versvesh
The fox would be sitting before him, her chops partly opened with tongue licking sharp fangs as she drooled. Golden eyes deadpan staring at the burger that he was eating.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... You get the last few bites, little one," Nightfall says after a moment. He didn't want to share, but how could he say no to a face like that, despite how.. unique it was for a fox.
Like March 25, 2020
Kaldra Versvesh
Kammy pouted at the stallion with a begging expression as she watched him continue to eat the burger. Letting out a whine as she paws at his leg.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"Keep begging and you won't get any," he states between bites. The hamburger was already have gone.
Like March 25, 2020
Sir Heliolite
"Be careful with meat, you may give yourself a upset stomach... i made that mistake when i was younger, but i guess its better to learn from your mistakes"
Like March 27, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"I think you mistake me for a fruit batpone, in which you are only half right," he simply said between bites.
Like March 27, 2020
Sir Heliolite
"No i mistake you for a Herbivore... like the rest of the equine race..."
Like March 27, 2020
Polo Fastter
"who are you eating?" polo said backing up slowly
Like March 27, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... The last pony that assumed I was eating someone," he says as stares Polo in the eyes, slowly taking his next bite.
Like March 27, 2020
Polo Fastter
"you bit them?" polo asked as he sat down in a chair.
Like March 27, 2020